forum Quotes from the List of Completely Weird and Random Things We’ve Overheard… (About 15 quotes will be posted daily, and feel completely free to add your own!)
Started by @IamNOTachickenok

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@Null-Gravity language

Some dudebro at school I was talking to "Hey Snark (affectionate nickname for me since I like being rude to him; we're chill though.), you dress like Shigo if she were more dominatrix and shopped at Hot Topic. In a good way."
Me "Thanks. You dress like a cross between Mr. Incredible and the Hulk. In a meh way."

Deleted user

"Is anyone else dying internally?"
"No, thats just you."
"Makes sense, just checking."

@FRANKtheTritoposaur group

symotainusly "you pooped when you had me!" "YOU WERE A C-SECTION" (yes this is a real conversation I had with my mom)

"I'm just trying to poop in peace!" "THEN YOU SHOULDNT HAVE POOPED HERE!"

@the-void-phantasmic language

  • “You killed her!”
    “Womp womp”

  • “Unceremonious little smatchet”

  • “That’s the biggest the small’s gonna get”

  • “Google Docs is a snitch!”

@CaseyJ group

A to B: Who are you?
C: my boyfriend.
A: and who are you?
B: my boyfriend.
A: I'm asking him-
C: His boyfriend.

@im-with-stoopid pets

  • "Ok, it's spelled 'Jason,' but there's an e."
    "A what."
    "An e."
    "How. Ja-sen?"
    "No, there's a y in there, too. Jeyson."
    "I don't like the Geoff Philosophy. Just pick normal letters."

@im-with-stoopid pets

  • "I've just been laying around in utter jubilation, man. The sheer joy that comes from having no responsibilities for the time being is unmatched."