forum Quotes from the List of Completely Weird and Random Things We’ve Overheard… (About 15 quotes will be posted daily, and feel completely free to add your own!)
Started by @IamNOTachickenok

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@im-with-stoopid pets

  • "Do you enjoy Little Casears pizza or are your tastebuds still intact?"

  • "How do you make a pizza taste like soggy french fries? Who oiled up the pizza?"

  • "Little Casears is like the Arby's of pizza. Dominos is like Wendy's. They're both fast food, but one doesn't hospitalize you."

  • "[You're] eating nothing but slices of grease."

  • "Cats are hard-wired to like the smell of garbage. That doesn't prove anything."

  • "You seem like someone who'd deep fry a bucket of sand and snack on that. Like a goat. Baa."

(All from a very heated debate about the local Little Casears which, yes, is as greasy as the bottom of a McDonald's bag.)

@the-void-phantasmic language

  • “Why would charcoal give him rabies?”

  • “If the wind blew you too hard, we’d lose you to Oz.”

  • “The dingo will get yo baby!!”

  • “You look like you have tuberculosis”

  • “What order are bats in?”
    “It’s Jesus!”

  • “Why is he Batman?”
    “Because he’s black!”

  • “Can you just kill the biological parents?”

  • “Your hot air balloons need to look like big bois”