forum Quotes from the List of Completely Weird and Random Things We’ve Overheard… (About 15 quotes will be posted daily, and feel completely free to add your own!)
Started by @IamNOTachickenok

people_alt 133 followers

@im-with-stoopid pets

  • "There's nothing sketchy about a witch doctor who looks like Waluigi."

  • "Got your house pictures from Google Earth for free."

  • "Your sideburns are like Wolverine's."

Deleted user

  • "There's nothing sketchy about a witch doctor who looks like Waluigi."

  • "Got your house pictures from Google Earth for free."

  • "Your sideburns are like Wolverine's."

(we love thadudette disney litterals :D)

@im-with-stoopid pets

  • "There's nothing sketchy about a witch doctor who looks like Waluigi."

  • "Got your house pictures from Google Earth for free."

  • "Your sideburns are like Wolverine's."

(we love thadudette disney litterals :D)


@the-void-phantasmic language

“[classmate name], where is the rest of your zesty crew?” - bio teacher

“They’re flirting!” - male child
“…And you’re jealous?” - bio teacher

“Just act like a bacteria.” - Carl
“How do you act like a bacteria?” - me
“Kill people.” - classmate

@IcarusFightsTheSun book

"that's why i have this." pulls out a knife "what are you gonna do with that?!?" "don't you know what they said about bringing a knife to a gun fight?" "THAT IT'S BAD??" "oh bloody hell, is that what it means?!"