forum Quotes from the List of Completely Weird and Random Things We’ve Overheard… (About 15 quotes will be posted daily, and feel completely free to add your own!)
Started by @IamNOTachickenok

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@spacebluelily language

  • "We don't know how Hispanic you are, so you can't pull the race card"
  • "I'm the greatest hoe you'll ever see to walk on earth"

  • "i dOnT fEeL lIkE hAwAIi … said no teen to ever exist."
    " you should disown your daughter. if it were me and my dad told me that we were going to hawaii, i would have jumped into that car and tell him to hurry up"

  • "China is right next to Mexico, how dumb are you."

@CaseyJ group

"My mind? I've lost my mind. I've lost everything. The man I love. My best friend. Although now apparently he's got a new best friend. What's that about? What else is he hiding? Who's the real him? Who am I? A direct descendant of Gloreth? I never asked that! And now everyone expects me to arrest Ballister! And if I don't, I'm a traitor to you. But if I do, I'm a traitor to him! Oh, and on top of that, I chopped off his arm! His arm! Who chops off an arm? Because I was trained to?! ARM CHOPPING IS NOT A LOVE LANGUA-"

  • Ambrosius : Nimona

@IcarusFightsTheSun book

“Fine, but he’ll have to wear this scarf.” “Oh! Is it lucky?” “ no, but it is adorable.”

“Do I look like I have a book on ghost rules?!… I do. At home. But that’s not the point”

Deleted user

"Scrumptious delicious apartment beige"
-me in reference to drinking paint in a convo i was having with my bf over me doing stupid stuff.

@IcarusFightsTheSun book

“Jules?” “Sorry Shawn, I don’t have time for your tomfoolery and silliness.” “Actually we-“ “ that also goes for your nonsense, malarkey and shenanigans.”

@im-with-stoopid pets

  • "Oh my goodness Sonic threw a baby."

  • "Sonic on a jetski, where him going?"

  • "Smooby (Cat's Nickname), can you make a caesar salad?"

  • "Why does he lemon like that?"

  • "There was a spider in my bed!"
    "He was trying to catch some sleep."

  • "Okay, centipede-chewer."

  • "Why would I do work when I can do nothing and panic later?"

@im-with-stoopid pets

  • "My little lemonhead? Where is he?"

  • "Little Slaptastic is yelling at birds right now."

  • "Chelsea sells sea shells, see?"
    "Do you hate people with lisps?"