forum Quotes from the List of Completely Weird and Random Things We’ve Overheard… (About 15 quotes will be posted daily, and feel completely free to add your own!)
Started by @IamNOTachickenok

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@the-void-phantasmic language

“Antioxidants are Fabuloso.” - bio teacher
“Cocomelon gives people autism.” - bio teacher again

And then a brief conversation between a classmate and my geo teacher

Geo teacher: “I like to rescue plants.”
Classmate: “Why don’t you rescue animals?”
Geo: “Because I don’t really care…”

(Geo teacher was like, half joking btw. She’s kind of terrible :))

@FRANKtheTritoposaur group

(Someone was actually getting broken up with behind me at the monsters game)

"You know what fuck you. I try to do nice shit for you and you just fucking do this" "no because I get to say if that song is us abd it isn't I've been a kiss fan for 2 years" "shut the fuck up I've been a kiss fan since before u were born. We're over"


@the-void-phantasmic language

  • “So we loaded up Steve and left-“ - my friend Luna
  • “Merry Christmas!” - a classmate
    “That’s not even Christmas colors. That’s, like, half Christmas.” - Luna
  • “It gives him anxiety…. it makes his tummy hurt :(“ - an unnamed mother
    Steven He voice “Why can’t your son be like Timmy? Timmy is nine and have three job!!” - bio teacher
  • “I have photo evidence! She was shaped like a Funko pop!!” - bio teacher
  • “*[Classmate name], are you sure about this? You still have time.” - bio teacher, about another classmate
  • “See, you can’t force JJ!” - classmate 1
    “Who’s JJ?” - bio teacher
    “He’s 23.” - classmate 2
    aggressive silent judgement - bio teacher
  • “That’s my favorite part about working with children, is when I don’t have to work with children!” - bio teacher

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(okay your bio teacher is the most hilarious person I've ever read about)