forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Deleted user

Is there anything worse than having a dream and then waking up right before you can figure out what happens?


when you want to try some new hobbies but they’re always watching and you can’t just lock yourself in a bathroom for hours with supplies you stole from around the house without raising suspicion

update: i locked myself in the bathroom.

@Pickles group

Did I just decide to draw the Whatever After covers despite the fact that there's a bajillion books and I suck? ….maybe

@saor_illust school

Um… I just found out that Sunny's leaving notebook for an indefinite period of time, and I don't really know how I feel about that… I've lost friends before, but not like this. It's different this time. I don't know if she'll come back… And if they aren't, then… then I've lost another friend… I don't like losing friends…. especially true friends, who actually care about me… and I seem to have found quite a few of them on here…

@Pickles group

I want to paint on my closet door
But I'm untalented and have nothing to paint it with :(
Also no ideas but that's a whole separate thing

@Pickles group

What kind of solo?

Flute. For solo and ensemble next year. I suck but my teacher wants me to do Class A because I got a one on my C last year (it was a pity one. The judge definitely thought I was a freshman)

@saor_illust school

i still don't know why im doing this. im afraid im asking for too much, after all there are people who are probably suffering worse than i am. but i could really use some love and affection right now…

@Anemone eco


Love ya, Iz. You're awesome and beautiful and you deserve happiness. I'm here if ever you need anything. I'll most likely always have words of affirmation for you.

@saor_illust school

That's not cursed Owen
That's beautiful
And I would totally download it if I didn't have like,,, 0 space on my computer lol
Thank you so much <3


uuhhm, does anybody know what happened to gasper? i just returned and hes gone. wth?!

He deleted his account a few days ago



i still don't know why im doing this. im afraid im asking for too much, after all there are people who are probably suffering worse than i am. but i could really use some love and affection right now…

sends love and hugs 💗💗💗