forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 126 followers

Deleted user

Y'know what, mayeb I do fuckiogn hate peopel.

lmao I'm honored.

@Kie group

Maybe I'll come back and say sorry later but I;m not in the mood. May 1st really can't pass any sooner lmfao

Deleted user

again, sometimes i feel like im missing a part, even if i read all the pages, so im sorry if i offended anyone

Okay? I was talking to Mir though?


@Kie group

For christsake relax

Not trying to be rude cause I've cooled off but in my experience sometimes telling people to relax can make things worse, especially when you don't know the person well.

Deleted user

That was hardly the situation in which one would lose their bananas if told to relax, but sure, go off.

@Kie group

Anyways, I'd like to apologize. While I feel I was provoked into my outburst I understand others won't side with me on this at all. I also don't expect anybody to forgive me seeing as I'm practically a stranger.

She was making a simple statement and I elevated it like I always do with these types of things because I'm literally stupid and don't think. I'm sorry and I'll do my best to prevent any outbursts in the future.

Deleted user

backs away slowly sorry ya'll….depression is really bad……so im just gonna scadaddle out of here. i'll still ghost…..PM me if ya'll wanna talk…..

@Kie group

That was hardly the situation in which one would lose their bananas if told to relax, but sure, go off.

I have the world's poorest emotional control so I promise you if that'd been said any earlier than it was I would've lost it.

Deleted user


Deleted user

if i died, barely anyone would notice….and i know none of this helps….so maybe i should just…….leave notebook……

@HighPockets group

if i died, barely anyone would notice….and i know none of this helps….so maybe i should just…….leave notebook……

Could you not??? throw a pity party because you're mad that people are focusing on Miriam right now???

Deleted user

I'm done with all of that too. I can die today. And maybe I will. I give up. I'm done. I give up. I give up. I give up.