forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Alright so last night my lamp by my bed burned out and I was freezing so I went to get a hoodie but first I had to turn on the light(my light switch is across my bedroom)
So I was being very careful then I remembered.
There was a staple remover somewhere on my floor
and not one second after I had finished that thought, lo and behold, i found the damn thing
because it impaled my toe
and the best part is:
I saw it before I went to bed and I was like 'should I move it?'
Then I was like 'nah I'll just be careful'
and I have no clue what the hell i was thinking

Deleted user



@Pickles group

There was a lot happening all at once, but I'll do my best to be semi coherent. I'll just put each setting together, even though it flashed between them
We (me, my friend, and a bunch of other girls. Some kind of class I guess) were touring some kind of military boot camp. We passed a room with large windows. In it were a bunch of boys sitting in chairs at the walls of the room, and they were all chipping away at their own thing in front of them. Our teacher asked if anyone knew what they were doing, and someone said that they were whittling away the ice on their apples. Flash forward to us somehow being a part of the camp, and we were in that room. We weren't doing exactly the same thing as they were, but I don't remember what it was. There was also a lot more we did at the camp, but I can't remember it. That was the weirdest part.

The most stressful (and honestly scary) part was that my friend and I were both stuck in concert band for next year. We were in the band room (just us), and we had just gotten our seats for next year. Yeah, not so bad, but I was very upset

And the last part was with my family and grandparents in some little town I don't think I actually know. We were in a part that was full of shops. We parked on the side of the street and everyone got out but me. My grandmother said they'd come back for me. I figured they would be a long time, so I decided to go down the street and get coffee. I walked into the coffee shop and after I got in line, my family came in and we left. I didn't even get my coffee.
I assume this was in the same town that the camp was in, but I'm not sure.



(edit, seems i'm quite late. as usual. stupid slow internet-)

we're stuck here
it really sucks and i wish it would go away
however, just imagine what it'll be like once everything's over-
think of all the joy, the parties, the laughter…
the happy faces of friends reuniting with a great big "i missed you" hug
all the egg hunts, the camping trips, walks through the mall
while even the news is filled with joy, reporters smiling, hugging, happily exclaiming "we did it, we beat the virus-"
and, of course, the grandparents that'll get to celebrate too, all because of our sacrifice.

it's difficult, i know it is, and we're not even close to seeing the end of it. but we've got to stay optimistic. this is one of those times where we really can say for certain that things will get better, and i can't wait to see it…
just a few more weeks…
how long is this gonna be again…?

Deleted user

Me: Hey, I don't really wanna play Uno again, I'm gonna go back to my room.


Me: … No, because I don't really want to play again??

Her: Mmhmm.

Deleted user

these stupid
meds :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
antidepressants are great
but not
when they make you
feel so weird
you literally want
to throw up
so you can get it out of your system
and not
when they
take away
all of your
creative :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

@Pickles group

Hey, at least you had creativity to start with. Mine was crushed by my first grade art teacher. Apparently I used to do a bunch of drawings and stuff before she crushed my spirit. And then she ended up liking me in the years after

Deleted user

guys,,, i forgot i can play piano ? like,,,, just casually forgot i can play an instrument ? the fuck ?

Deleted user

lmfao imagine being creative

Where’d it go?

Idk and I don’t take meds

should I?

probabl y

Deleted user

guys,,, i forgot i can play piano ? like,,,, just casually forgot i can play an instrument ? the fuck ?


i know !