forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Well, is your friend all that reliable of a source? How do you know that this is the truth and not mere rumors? Did she tell you where she got the information? Also, even if this may be true, the virus was not nearly as serious in December as it is now, so why throw the country into a potentially unneeded panic? Trump has his reasons for actions, sometimes they may not be good, but maybe him not saying something in December was for the better. After all, the panic probably would've begun sooner. Stores shutting down, people buying mass amounts of toilet paper, schools shutting down.

And if it were to be unnecessary, people ran stores dry for nothing. Schools wasted valuable time they could use teaching students. Besides, to say that you hate the government over the actions of one person(Trump) in it, in my opinion, is a bit dramatic.

Nicely done, Nie. Thank you. And to reply to Jyn, people besides gov knew about C last year. It just wasn't panic. And I should remind you that no one cared about it for real because it had yet to be demonstrated.

@Pickles group

There were two slices of pie left and no one ate them because my parents were saving it for us and we were saving it for them. Now it's moldy and I'm sad

Deleted user

I have an Emi-sized hole in my window

if this isn’t the most big dick, chaotic energy you’ve ever seen from a picture I’ve taken, get out

Deleted user

so…my dad just left…he grabbed his coat and his phone …and left……my mom is making dinner….they've been fighting vocally for a few days now……and im just about ready to leave…but if i do…my mom and brothers will have no one to help them…

Deleted user

I just absolutely destroyed my knowitall dad but proving him wrong and being more knowledgeable on a subject that him.

Heehee I'm proud.

I might just post the convo here because I'm proud–

@Pickles group

I just absolutely destroyed my knowitall dad but proving him wrong and being more knowledgeable on a subject that him.

Heehee I'm proud.

I might just post the convo here because I'm proud–

Me destroying my own dad on the subject of Rick Riordan and the Peter Johnson movies

@Pickles group

There were two slices of pie left and no one ate them because my parents were saving it for us and we were saving it for them. Now it's moldy and I'm sad

Update: my throat still feels weird. I might have accidentally eaten some of the mold

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I just absolutely destroyed my knowitall dad but proving him wrong and being more knowledgeable on a subject that him.

Heehee I'm proud.

I might just post the convo here because I'm proud–

Do tell.

Deleted user

i- i can't- how- damnit!
-tries to spray water over my burning punch and slap marks-

Deleted user

I sent a photo of the pentagram that's hanging on my wall

That's a star not a pentagram, thank God!!

Me: {note this is how we talk lmao, I'm not that much of a brat}
That's a pentagram genius
Google it

Why would you have a such a thing?
Not cool

The rainwater, crystals, and talk of rituals is cool… But having a symbol used to protect from negative spirits and energies is not
I have a feeling you're not very educated on pentagrams.

I disagree with the pentagram and you know why. No matter what else it symbolizes it has also been adopted as the sign Satan worshippers. That is not okay

👌 has been adopted as a white supremacy symbol. Meanings change. But staying traditional and knowing your intent is fine.

So educate me. Where and when did it begin?

You'll be surprised to know it was a Christian symbol first
Five points for the five wounds of christ
It was adopted as many things
Including witchcraft and yes, satanism
But it's purpose has always been to protect.
I have one because of my own beliefs.

K. Which are?

Witchcraft. Agnosticism.
To sum it up.

Well, I won't argue, that's for sure. Everyone needs to find their own answers. I just pray that someday you'll accept Jesus Christ. He has been nothing but amazing for me. It's when I take things into my own hands that I get messed up. I just have to surrender to Him

What bothers me is that you can't seem to accept that I'm not Christian. I'm glad you are but it's like me saying "it's great you believe in god but I hope someday you realize he's not real." That sounds dumb, doesn't it? I don't judge what you believe even if I disagree.
I tried being Christian. It's lovely. But it's not me.

Well, I'm not judging baby. I just know that it works me. I've seen the results. But who knows, maybe that's just one manifestation of something greater? Perhaps your on the same tangent but taking a different path. I certainly cannot judge. Again, I just look at my personal results

Exactly, and I'm looking at MY results.
We good?


@Pickles group

Well, I won't argue, that's for sure. Everyone needs to find their own answers.

How is this not accepting that you aren't Christian?

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

I hate being the oldest some days.
Every mistake is a hundred times worse,
The younger kids get off on shit you don't.
Shit that seems insignificant, is the crap you get in trouble for.
If you break something, the guilt trip is worse than it would be for anyone else.
Parent always assumes that you aren't busy doing something, especially if you're normally at school all day.
If someone makes a mistake you can be blamed for, guess who gets the blame.
You are held to higher standards than everyone else.
Expected to follow the "do as I say and not as I do" rule
If you are happy and content to do one thing and stay out of the way all day and then get grumpy if you get interrupted every 20 minutes guess what happens: fun thing gets taken and you get told off.
Can't say no to letting little siblings borrow stuff or be in your space. ESPECIALLY if it ends up making them cry. Cause then you get guilt tripped and threatened into letting them use\have it.
This is my life. I want school to come back. I want mom to take responsibility for actually changing the baby once in awhile.I want to be able to make mistakes and say no without the guilt. I want my mom to atop and maybe understand what is turning my mood sour. It's not my tech or games. It'ss the fact that !y sister can sit on the couch all after noon and not be asked to do everything while I'm the first name that comes to mind every time you need something done. Like seriously, there are six of us. The aforementioned couch potato is perfectly capable of changing the baby. The kid number four is capable of grabbing you your computer or drink. Children 2 and 3 are capable of watching the baby and keeping her out of everyone's hair.
And the kitchen floor is NOT going to stay pristine all day!!!!
This had been the rant of a teenager who has 5 siblings of varying ages and needs. And a mom who is very annoying.