forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Deleted user

About the coronavirus…
I literally just found out by my friend (because I don’t care about politics) that Trump knew about the virus since December or something, I don’t remember exactly what she said. Like, I know I said I don’t care, but that’s just wrong. He could’ve done something about this, yet he just sat there with the info and didn’t say anything. If I didn’t hate our government before, I hate it now.

@Anemone eco

Well, is your friend all that reliable of a source? How do you know that this is the truth and not mere rumors? Did she tell you where she got the information? Also, even if this may be true, the virus was not nearly as serious in December as it is now, so why throw the country into a potentially unneeded panic? Trump has his reasons for actions, sometimes they may not be good, but maybe him not saying something in December was for the better. After all, the panic probably would've begun sooner. Stores shutting down, people buying mass amounts of toilet paper, schools shutting down.

And if it were to be unnecessary, people ran stores dry for nothing. Schools wasted valuable time they could use teaching students. Besides, to say that you hate the government over the actions of one person(Trump) in it, in my opinion, is a bit dramatic.

Deleted user

Well, is your friend all that reliable of a source? How do you know that this is the truth and not mere rumors? Did she tell you where she got the information? Also, even if this may be true, the virus was not nearly as serious in December as it is now, so why throw the country into a potentially unneeded panic? Trump has his reasons for actions, sometimes they may not be good, but maybe him not saying something in December was for the better. After all, the panic probably would've begun sooner. Stores shutting down, people buying mass amounts of toilet paper, schools shutting down.

And if it were to be unnecessary, people ran stores dry for nothing. Schools wasted valuable time they could use teaching students. Besides, to say that you hate the government over the actions of one person(Trump) in it, in my opinion, is a bit dramatic.

Oh god, I was misguided. Sorry. I really just needed to rant, but I realized that it might not be true.

Deleted user

I don't think that's true… He's still our president and does want the best for America, if not for the people, for himself. If he knew about it that long we would have do.

Deleted user

To Nie: Thanks. I really don’t know much about politics, so it’s nice to have a voice of reason.
To Miriam: I guess that’s true.

Deleted user

We’re out of Mountain Dew, I’m tired because I didn’t sleep, at all, I got only a couple minutes of sleep then my grandmother screamed at me for no fucking reason, I wanted to go on discord to talk with someone which requires my moms computer but nOPE JESSE NEEDS IT. Can’t use my moms phone, or Jesse’s because even though my brother Isn’t fucking using it he still needs it. My TV isn’t working right, it glitches and freezes so I can’t play my PlayStation classic, I can’t talk to special person because I’m too scared and frightened, my 2DS pissed me off too much yesterday so no, and all I can do is re watch old content. I’m about to watch another cringe comp I’m that pissy and bored. My sketchbook is dusty as well, I can’t find my good pencil’s either, my brain is being a piece of shit so I can’t write, I’m way too stressed with catching up to do anything here, so I’ve just been doing work, nOt ONLY IS THE CORONAVIRSU GOING TO KEEP ME AWAY FROM SEEING THE PEOPLE I CARE ABOUT, THEY’RE THINKING OF ENDING THE YEAR WHICH MEANS I’LL HAVE TO REPEAT TORTURE AGAIN, STAY IN SCHOOL FOR ANOTHER EXTRA YEAR, AND PROBABLY NOT EVEN GET TO DO MARCHING SEASON. MY HEART IS WORSE, I STILL HAVE STREP, I’M HUNGRY, AND I JUST WANT A HUG FROM FRIENDS DAMNIT!

@HighPockets group

……if we had known sooner, then we'd have actually have had time to prepare. People would have been able to stock up on food for weeks in advance, as opposed to the weekend it was announced. Businesses could have gotten ready to close and cut down on orders so the products wouldn't be left unattended with the risk of theft or rot instead of scrambling last minute to decide to shut down. Do you know how much food got tossed out and wasted? A lot. When I was at a book store the other night, the cafe workers there told us that they had to throw away anything they couldn't sell. Workers would be able to prepare for the possibility of being out of work for weeks, and others could set up to work at home.
Schools would have had time to prepare courses to be done online or at home and students would have time to be taught how to set up the systems. Students could have time to collect their assignments. Prepping in advance wouldn't waste time, but you know what did? Missing three days of school in-quarantine because the teachers had to scramble last-minute to plan a course.
And if Trump knew, it's his responsibility of a leader who is by the people, for the people to tell the people important information like that. Lofi is 100% allowed to be angry at the government for keeping that from us.

@Pickles group

It's not our government who was keeping it from us. We didn't know about it existing back in December until fairly recently. And what's a waste is causing the same panic several months earlier because you best believe that people would've panicked then too.

@Anemone eco

I wasn't saying that she wasn't allowed to be upset or anything like that. I was saying that it could potentially not be true.

Deleted user

Also online math s u c k s

Y e s. It really d o e s.

Yes true