forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Deleted user

… uh… Hey! Look! Memes! Haha, yeah positivity. I’m useless ok

@TeamMezzo group

guys… i'm not back i just
i need advice

one of my friends attempted on friday night. how do i help my friends through this, and myself too?

Be there for your friend. You can try to get them to open up about why they're in so much pain; just listening/being there helps. Don't force them into talking about what's going on if they say that they don't want to talk about it; talk about something else. You don't even have to say anything. Simply being by their side can help…. Basically just continue being a great friend to them.

she moved halfway across the country in december…

Deleted user

I am so sorry for you Mezzo… I give you the biggest internet hugs… please stay safe for me.

Deleted user

Hey so, I’ve been thinking about this for a while now. The reason I took a break from notebook before was because of life, and when I came back, my depression got worse of worrying about everyone. I’m not saying it’s everyone’s fault… I’m that type of person to get easily attached, and emotional when friends are sad, literally ask any of my irl friends like Emi. I’m thinking of leaving the site, forever. And never come back. I don’t add anything new to the table, I’m not on that much, and although I’ve been here for almost a year, had a lot of great RPs, and met a lot of people, it’s just something I use to leave my life priorities like getting up and finally telling my therapist EVERYTHING instead of chickening out and saying ‘oh I want to die, I don’t know why I do.’ Again, this isn’t anyone’s fault, it’s really my fault. Just wanted to vent. I might leave after all the rps that I’m in die completely.

@The-Magician group

I said this in the rudeness chat but it was kinda looked over..

Woooooooo the Coronavirus has hit my city, and someone from a university right near my house has been taken to quarantine. I’m loving life rn!

@The-Magician group

I said this in the rudeness chat but it was kinda looked over..

Woooooooo the Coronavirus has hit my city, and someone from a university right near my house has been taken to quarantine. I’m loving life rn!

(Not. Lowkey freaked out)

Deleted user

I said this in the rudeness chat but it was kinda looked over..

Woooooooo the Coronavirus has hit my city, and someone from a university right near my house has been taken to quarantine. I’m loving life rn!


Deleted user

I hit my nose. Ow. Also tomorrow ima be a brave boy if I’m feeling better and go to school. I’m a brave boy.

@Pickles group

Hey so, I’ve been thinking about this for a while now. The reason I took a break from notebook before was because of life, and when I came back, my depression got worse of worrying about everyone. I’m not saying it’s everyone’s fault… I’m that type of person to get easily attached, and emotional when friends are sad, literally ask any of my irl friends like Emi. I’m thinking of leaving the site, forever. And never come back. I don’t add anything new to the table, I’m not on that much, and although I’ve been here for almost a year, had a lot of great RPs, and met a lot of people, it’s just something I use to leave my life priorities like getting up and finally telling my therapist EVERYTHING instead of chickening out and saying ‘oh I want to die, I don’t know why I do.’ Again, this isn’t anyone’s fault, it’s really my fault. Just wanted to vent. I might leave after all the rps that I’m in die completely.



okay, uhh…
14-year-old with no medical knowledge here to repeat stuff from some random guy on the internet

The quarantines outside of china so far are seeming to be pretty effective so it's unlikely to spread to you unless you've been near that person within the past month or so, so… don't panic
the chances it'll spread aren't high

From what I've heard, how the coronavirus usually kills people involves making them vulnerable to other heath issues, which is why most of the deaths are older men and people in bad health.
So unless you're very unhealthy, if you were to get it, it would be a lot like the common flu except you'd be quarantined for a while.
…it's still really hecking scary though
So stay safe
Keep hand sanitizer on you at all times if possible
You'll most likely be perfectly fine, but it's best to take caution.
and also do your own research, because I might be giving really bad advice here

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

okay, uhh…
14-year-old with no medical knowledge here to repeat stuff from some random guy on the internet

The quarantines outside of china so far are seeming to be pretty effective so it's unlikely to spread to you unless you've been near that person within the past month or so, so… don't panic
the chances it'll spread aren't high

From what I've heard, how the coronavirus usually kills people involves making them vulnerable to other heath issues, which is why most of the deaths are older men and people in bad health.
So unless you're very unhealthy, if you were to get it, it would be a lot like the common flu except you'd be quarantined for a while.
…it's still really hecking scary though
So stay safe
Keep hand sanitizer on you at all times if possible
You'll most likely be perfectly fine, but it's best to take caution.
and also do your own research, because I might be giving really bad advice here

Deleted user

I want to go back to school. I want to see my friends. I hate staying home. I can’t talk to anyone. I hate being sick

Deleted user

So we were told in band today to start preparing ourselves for auditions for solos which will be sometime next week.

I play the Oboe part (first chair in the part) on a flute, for those of you who don’t know. Now I’m not being rude, more or less I’m being rude to myself more in this.

I love playing solos. I love being able to be heard across the whole band, that hush of background noise as it’s just me playing the melody or moving notes. The three little solos in our song (they’re like, maybe a couple notes with other parts playing still) are perfect for the other Oboists to like… be as committed to it as I am! Solos are really hard at first because you’re not used to playing by yourself. Once you get over that it’s super simple. Says me. The one with the whole summer of solo near the clarinets in my marching show, and my own part in the orchestra thing.

But what I’m trying to say is, these people don’t want to try out

As soon as Calder (my band director) told us about the solos, I swear to you, all three of them turned to me and was like, “You want the solos, right?”. I graciously accept my certificate as strongest oboist but come on

Deleted user

Essentially it’s one of these moments, but rather than suffering I just feel bad

@Pickles group

I hate playing by myself. There's a part where I play three notes in dead silence and I hate it. It sounds so bad and I don't know how to fix it


I'm out of stress relief and I'm just going to cripple under my own pressure and cease to function. I'm being given pain medicine this friday after I get my wisdom teeth taken out so I'm thinking about overdosing. They're highly addictive apparently. I have nothing going for me and my mother doesn't understand and my stepfather doesn't care at all, I have no friends or anyone to open up to so what's even the point. I put myself out there to show people that I'm nice but I'm just put down constantly and people don't even recognize that I exist, so fuck all this. Goodbye. I don't even share any traits with you people on Notebook. You're all writers and creative as hell and RP and shit but I don't do any of that. What's my purpose here or anywhere but to spread negativity since that's apparently all I do. Stay safe.


Don't feel bad at all because while I don't relate to many of you due to our WILDLY different personalities, I still relate to your pains, and that relation has helped me through over a year of being on here.