forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers

@HighPockets group

ive never watched spongebob either. it's a waste of brain cells id rather give to Adventure Time

I don't like that absurdist sort of feel that it has, I like my shows to make sense.

Deleted user

Someone cut out my uterus. Please. It causes way too much pain. God damnit I hate being female so god damn much.

Deleted user

LMAOOOO that made my day. Also I’m feeling way better. I’m going to consume all the red lobster biscuits. yEAH THATS RIGHT WE AREN’T THAT POOR WOOOO FOOD YEAH we are poor we just got a loan. Also it’s for my brother so he shuts the fuck up.

Deleted user

Can you maybe use they/them pronouns for me, at least for now? I'm just trying it out.

@saor_illust school

Of course Mir!

Um… I have a vent now…
how do you… gently and politely reject someone??? i swear this random guy wants to have a relationship with me and even tho it isn't his fault (because he wouldn't have known that i'm already taken) i like don't know how to do this because i've never had to.

@saor_illust school

but like, do i just say "sorry, i'm already taken"??

ella, i know your on discord, and normally that's exactly what i would say (not that i've ever had to say that before) except for the fact that this is on discord and hhhh this is some random guy from a server i'm in and there were roles to indicate if your taken and i just feel really awkward having to explain this to them because i'm shy and even tho it was reaction roles i was going to be the first one in the server to say that i'm taken and hhhhhhh

Deleted user

i have been sitting in the bathroom crying all morning and i- i don’t want to come back home after school i just don’t…

@saor_illust school

also related to that random guy…
i'm lowkey highkey freaking out (because anxiety)
what… what on earth am i supposed to say to "i was just joking cutie calm down"???
he was obviously flirting (i think)
so um

Deleted user

i was yelled at for a bunch of things i didn’t do and told i am worthless and a burden and that i should go to hell and i’ve had everything taken from me except notebook because for the moment notebook is still a secret and i can’t do this anymore i’ve never wanted to die more in my entire life and i always feel like i want to die