forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

Has never really watched Spongebob

ugh get out of mi familiā

But moooooooom :(


l e a v e


y e s

Deleted user

Has never really watched Spongebob

ugh get out of mi familiā

But moooooooom :(


l e a v e


y e s

The rangtang gang can't have you if you don't watch Spongebob


Has never seen Spongebob, only heard of it. Also why is there a TV show about some random sponge guy who lives underwater?

because Spongebob. don't question it

@saor_illust school

Has never seen Spongebob, only heard of it. Also why is there a TV show about some random sponge guy who lives underwater?

because Spongebob. don't question it

haha okay. also emi and mir don't kill me for having not watched spongebob before

Deleted user

ive never watched spongebob either. it's a waste of brain cells id rather give to Adventure Time

Deleted user

I didn't take my meds today and I'm kind of having an anxiety attack over something that doesn't really affect me in the slightest–

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

What's up with translation subtitles in movies/tv shows? They're rarely ever on screen long enough to read. Can I read fast? Yes, but not that fast! It's a pain in the ass to have to rewind a bunch of times just to know what was said!!!!!

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

What's up with translation subtitles in movies/tv shows? They're rarely ever on screen long enough to read. Can I read fast? Yes, but not that fast! It's pain in the ass to have to rewind a bunch of times just to know what was said!!!!!

Yeah, I get that.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

What's up with translation subtitles in movies/tv shows? They're rarely ever on screen long enough to read. Can I read fast? Yes, but not that fast! It's a pain in the ass to have to rewind a bunch of times just to know what was said!!!!!

Yeah, I get that.

Caught a small mistake. Lol

@Pickles group

Well now I feel sick and I'm not hungry but we're going to dinner and I actually like the place. Now I'm sad

Well I would bet you felt different after getting there.

It took waiting for so long to get the food until I felt mostly better


Okay I'm absolutely terrified because apparently the UK hospital treating corona virus is literally a 10 minute walk from my house and a train station has been roped off after two sick people were confirmed there


What's up with translation subtitles in movies/tv shows? They're rarely ever on screen long enough to read. Can I read fast? Yes, but not that fast! It's a pain in the ass to have to rewind a bunch of times just to know what was said!!!!!

Yeah, I get that.

Caught a small mistake. Lol

I'm stupid and I don't see it oof