forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@saor_illust school

oh nia…
i'm sorry…
you are one of the world's most precious beans
and i'm not going to say most of my usual things this time
i'm not going to tell you to hang in there this time
because i bring new things
i am going to reference Life as an actual person like i always do, though

nia. life is hard. and we both know that. Life has mood swings. quite dramatic ones, if i say so myself. but nevertheless, as i said last night, Life is going to throw all he has at you sometimes. Life is going to push you to the limits and test your strength, constantly. physically and emotionally. and right now, yes, you're on a quest. a quest to find your way out of this hole that Life has dug and pushed you into. while you are embarking on this quest, it's going to get harder. because Life does not want you to get out. he wants to push you around and "play" with you. and right now, this is what Life is doing with you. but you just have to try to brush it off and try your hardest to get through all of these barriers and obstacles Life throws your way because you can do it. i know you can. 100% sure. and you are proving your strength by telling us this, because we want to help in every way possible, and by letting us know, we can try our hardest to help.

@saor_illust school

also, related to that random guy…
i'm lowkey highkey freaking out (because anxiety)
what… what on earth am i supposed to say to "i was just joking cutie calm down"???
he was obviously flirting (i think)
so um

i hate to bring this up again, but i really am freaking out about this because i've never been put in this situation before so…

and i may have made the whole situation worse by rambling because i was nervous about how i should've made it clear and i'm just shy so…

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

What's up with translation subtitles in movies/tv shows? They're rarely ever on screen long enough to read. Can I read fast? Yes, but not that fast! It's a pain in the ass to have to rewind a bunch of times just to know what was said!!!!!

Yeah, I get that.

Caught a small mistake. Lol

I'm stupid and I don't see it oof

That's because I corrected it….

Deleted user

I hate myself :))))))))))))

why the fuck can I not just be happy for once?? I'm wasting my life away like this.

And that knowledge literally kills me.

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

Amber, I want you to know that I saw what you said before you deleted it and it is deeply concerning. I don't know what I could do or say to help your situation and I apologize.

Blurry, I can't guarantee that things will get better, but I will say that I support you. I do not hate you and no matter how much you hate yourself, you don't deserve to be hated. Just keep pushing on and I'm certain that even if things still suck ass, you'll find at least one thing to make you happy. <3

@Pickles group

Amber, I want you to know that I saw what you said before you deleted it and it is deeply concerning. I don't know what I could do or say to help your situation and I apologize.

Blurry, I can't guarantee that things will get better, but I will say that I support you. I do not hate you and no matter how much you hate yourself, you don't deserve to be hated. Just keep pushing on and I'm certain that even if things still suck ass, you'll find at least one thing to make you happy. <3



Nothing too specific
I just feel like I'm slowly getting progressively more unpleasant to be around and I don't know if it's all in my head or if I actually am

@saor_illust school

Well I wouldn't say it's all in your head, probably some small action that you happened to catch that someone made, or perhaps someone's innocent words triggered it, although I do know for sure that you are not slowly getting progressively more unpleasant. You are a wonderful bean Ella. And that is fact.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

i was yelled at for a bunch of things i didn’t do and told i am worthless and a burden and that i should go to hell and i’ve had everything taken from me except notebook because for the moment notebook is still a secret and i can’t do this anymore i’ve never wanted to die more in my entire life and i always feel like i want to die

Oh Ruby… We are always here for you.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Well I wouldn't say it's all in your head, probably some small action that you happened to catch that someone made, or perhaps someone's innocent words triggered it, although I do know for sure that you are not slowly getting progressively more unpleasant. You are a wonderful bean Ella. And that is fact.

I much agree.

Deleted user

i was yelled at for a bunch of things i didn’t do and told i am worthless and a burden and that i should go to hell and i’ve had everything taken from me except notebook because for the moment notebook is still a secret and i can’t do this anymore i’ve never wanted to die more in my entire life and i always feel like i want to die

Oh Ruby… We are always here for you.

thanks dom…


Aight so I'mma try to keep this vent as PG as possible

I have been dealing with this annoying cyst, which just so happened to make its home on my junk down below. It's been so deeply irritating I didn't know how much I could take. Until this morning.
I checked and it turned into a whitehead, ready to pop given the opportunity. I did not want to wait for someone to kick me there during my Self-Defense class. I popped it then and there in the shower.
I cannot explain how awful that felt. Any amount of pleasure that could've been derived from this was replaced by waves of pain.
I'm better now though. I've got my morning coffee with me.

Sometimes I hate my hormones. Honestly.

Deleted user

It is spirit week, I have pink eye.
I will be going to school.

@Pickles group

Time for a game of: Are my parents right and I just never learned to control my mood swings and I worry a normal amount or is there actually something wrong with me?

Deleted user

It is spirit week, I have pink eye.
I will be going to school.

Don't. Plus spirit week fucking sucks.

I love s p i r i t w e e k
I'm gay and a cosplayer I will take any chance to dress up

Deleted user

my schools spirit week sucks a*s
it was last week

dress up as a cowboy! it will be fun!
i used to live in a small town, and ive had enough of the hick country bumkin "everyones related but thats ok" aesthetic to last me a lifetime

dress up as an alien,
an excuse for all the girls to dress up in weird SHORT shiny silver skirts in the middle of winter

Jersey day!
football freaks fight over whos going to win the Superbowl, noone cares

@Pickles group

It is spirit week, I have pink eye.
I will be going to school.

Don't. Plus spirit week fucking sucks.

I love s p i r i t w e e k
I'm gay and a cosplayer I will take any chance to dress up

Dress up in your own home then, because even the bacterial one (the less contagious one) is contagious until 24 hours of taking antibiotics.

Deleted user

It is spirit week, I have pink eye.
I will be going to school.

Don't. Plus spirit week fucking sucks.

I love s p i r i t w e e k
I'm gay and a cosplayer I will take any chance to dress up

Dress up in your own home then, because even the bacterial one (the less contagious one) is contagious until 24 hours of taking antibiotics.

I'm in pain but I don't care.
Spirit week is worth it.