forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Pickles group

It is spirit week, I have pink eye.
I will be going to school.

Don't. Plus spirit week fucking sucks.

I love s p i r i t w e e k
I'm gay and a cosplayer I will take any chance to dress up

Dress up in your own home then, because even the bacterial one (the less contagious one) is contagious until 24 hours of taking antibiotics.

I'm in pain but I don't care.
Spirit week is worth it.

Spirit week is not worth pain and causing others that pain. Intentionally. You know full well that other people can get it from you. So be a decent person and go to the fucking doctor to get antibiotics. You can literally go to the clinic in Kroger's. You won't miss all of spirit week either.

Deleted user

Yeah, I can hopefully make it till at least Wednesday.
I just have to many club meetings today and tommorow.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Time for a game of: Are my parents right and I just never learned to control my mood swings and I worry a normal amount or is there actually something wrong with me?

I feel like I play variations of that game.

@Pickles group

Time for a game of: Are my parents right and I just never learned to control my mood swings and I worry a normal amount or is there actually something wrong with me?

I feel like I play variations of that game.

It's currently paused but as soon as I'm alone again it's gonna start again



@Moxie group

I'm so tired of the in-between
Like I'm technically better. But I still can't have cereal because I can't have dairy because it makes me congested.
And I can function around people but I'm expected to function at school too. Like I'm expected to finish a seven paragraph essay by Wednesday morning that I found out existed on Thursday. And maybe I should have asked but no one told me when it was due. And I have other stuff for other classes.
I'm just tired of technically feeling better, but not fully feeling better and being expected to act like I'm feeling 100%.
And my brain is so foggy right now. Last night I was trying to get ready for bed but I was so out of it that I couldn't think about the steps I needed to do to get ready for bed so I just sat on my floor and stared off into space until my mom yelled at me and I figured it out. I'm so sick of feeling like this
I just want to sleep and I just want to be better.

Anyway, that was my vent. Uhhhh yeah

Deleted user

I’m tired of anyone from anime club who breathes calling me a small child because I look, somewhat act, and well, I basically am one.

Deleted user

I can't figure out if I'm aromantic because like, I like my girlfriends a bunch, but I don't know what love feels like!

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

guys… i'm not back i just
i need advice

one of my friends attempted on friday night. how do i help my friends through this, and myself too?

Be there for your friend. You can try to get them to open up about why they're in so much pain; just listening/being there helps. Don't force them into talking about what's going on if they say that they don't want to talk about it; talk about something else. You don't even have to say anything. Simply being by their side can help…. Basically just continue being a great friend to them.