forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Deleted user

when you miss someone you get to see on Thursday an every time you feel yourself get upset you just imagine how you're going to hug the hell out of them soon

@saor_illust school

I really just wish that there was something I could do for you.

I get it. You've already done so much, so thank you.

Hey Logan
I understand that I'm probably too late, but I'd like to say a few words.

And yes, I do realize that if Eris was online right now and saw this post she'd definitely have some of her classic bad-assery words to say that would actually be true and quite helpful, but I can't help myself.

Yes, Eris. I know, I shouldn't blame myself at all. But I can't help but feel as if there was something more that we, I could do to help you more… something that I missed but should've been terribly obvious… And yet we're all just total strangers on a site who only feel as if we know each other, but that doesn't matter to me. I care about my friends, and as Ella said, I'll miss you, fren. Wish you luck on your future life journeys… <3

@Echo_6 group

Disclaimer, I'm a little passionate about this, I apologize. Just know that I'm not mad at you specifically.

Goddammit people can't you just understand that police are human beings to? They have feelings, they have wives, and children. They bleed, they cry, they laugh, they do everything any other human being would do. They don't show a lot of emotion on the field because "it's unprofessional." And it will get them killed. And has gotten them killed. And they can't seem to win in any situation. It's either "Why didn't the police do anything?" Or it's "Why did the police have to get involved?" Fucking Make up your goddamn minds! Get over the fact that they have a fucking job to do to keep you safe. Don't try to stop the police from taking down the guy that just killed four people with a knife and is now threatening the police with that knife! You aren't doing anyone any favors!
And no! They can't always use the taser. Why? Because the taser doesn't always work!! If one prong misses, the taser doesn't work. If the person being tased is wearing a big heavy coat and the prongs hit the coat, the taser doesn't work. If the person if high or drunk and their pain receptors are all shot, the taser doesn't work. And for all you other people who are saying "just shot them in the leg." You're fucking idiots. Here are three kind of important reasons that doesn't work or is bad. 1. Your legs have all kinds of major arteries and veins all over them. You hit that with a bullet and the person will bleed out and die. 2. If the person is moving hitting their legs is going to be twice as hard. 3. People are fucking beasts. Sometimes shooting them in the leg does absolutely nothing. Again, when people are high on drugs, or drunk, their pain receptors are not always in pristine condition. Sometimes even shooting them center mass, aka in the chest, four, five, six, mag dump times, doesn't stop them.
And I know there are some police out there that are complete dirtbags, and they take advantage of things, or people. There are people like that in every job out there. Also remember when you get pulled over and the cop seems to be in a foul mood. He might have just come from a murder scene. Or he saw a child that had been hit by a car and mangled. They have a high stress job and it's getting more dangerous for them because people can't seem to handle getting their feelings hurt. Also here's a tip, don't break the law and you won't likely be stopped by police. Because news flash they don't stop people at random. God, why are people so dumb? Just stay out of the police's way. Let them do their jobs so they can make this world a safer place for us.


hold on, ill get to all of your vents soon! i just know someone that i want to address first!


IZZY SRY I KEEP’LEAVING AND NOT COMING BACK FOR A WHILE I’m good! (I have a gf) how are you? I miss talking to peeps here

@saor_illust school

hold on, ill get to all of your vents soon! i just know someone that i want to address first!


IZZY SRY I KEEP’LEAVING AND NOT COMING BACK FOR A WHILE I’m good! (I have a gf) how are you? I miss talking to peeps here

thats great! i'm doing okay, sick rn, but at least i think i'm recovering

Deleted user

Disclaimer, I'm a little passionate about this, I apologize. Just know that I'm not mad at you specifically.

Goddammit people can't you just understand that police are human beings to? They have feelings, they have wives, and children. They bleed, they cry, they laugh, they do everything any other human being would do. They don't show a lot of emotion on the field because "it's unprofessional." And it will get them killed. And has gotten them killed. And they can't seem to win in any situation. It's either "Why didn't the police do anything?" Or it's "Why did the police have to get involved?" Fucking Make up your goddamn minds! Get over the fact that they have a fucking job to do to keep you safe. Don't try to stop the police from taking down the guy that just killed four people with a knife and is now threatening the police with that knife! You aren't doing anyone any favors!
And no! They can't always use the taser. Why? Because the taser doesn't always work!! If one prong misses, the taser doesn't work. If the person being tased is wearing a big heavy coat and the prongs hit the coat, the taser doesn't work. If the person if high or drunk and their pain receptors are all shot, the taser doesn't work. And for all you other people who are saying "just shot them in the leg." You're fucking idiots. Here are three kind of important reasons that doesn't work or is bad. 1. Your legs have all kinds of major arteries and veins all over them. You hit that with a bullet and the person will bleed out and die. 2. If the person is moving hitting their legs is going to be twice as hard. 3. People are fucking beasts. Sometimes shooting them in the leg does absolutely nothing. Again, when people are high on drugs, or drunk, their pain receptors are not always in pristine condition. Sometimes even shooting them center mass, aka in the chest, four, five, six, mag dump times, doesn't stop them.
And I know there are some police out there that are complete dirtbags, and they take advantage of things, or people. There are people like that in every job out there. Also remember when you get pulled over and the cop seems to be in a foul mood. He might have just come from a murder scene. Or he saw a child that had been hit by a car and mangled. They have a high stress job and it's getting more dangerous for them because people can't seem to handle getting their feelings hurt. Also here's a tip, don't break the law and you won't likely be stopped by police. Because news flash they don't stop people at random. God, why are people so dumb? Just stay out of the police's way. Let them do their jobs so they can make this world a safer place for us.


@saor_illust school


but also i realized that this hw would be a whole lot easier if i could just "gather data" from someone else to use. may i use data gathered from you, nie? it's not personal information i swear

Deleted user

so somebody carved "{my also lgbtq+ best friend's name} fucked Miriam" into a bathroom stall

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

What are their roles in the family? As in are they an aunt, uncle, ect.

Well, since I was in a rush I didn't really get a proper count, but I have 8 siblings(so 9 children including me), at least three aunts(I'm actually not sure), 4(?) uncles, a dad, a mom and then I'm not sure if you want cousins and grandparents and stuff like that


I heard a song and have suddenly been prompted to write a short mafia AU