forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers

@The-Magician group

Someone I work with went and bought a filet o fish, and then proceeded to question if “fish” are real or not 😂

Like, fish in general or just the fish in said filet?


Deleted user

Someone I work with went and bought a filet o fish, and then proceeded to question if “fish” are real or not 😂

Filet means they fill it with everything but fish my friend

@The-Magician group

Someone I work with went and bought a filet o fish, and then proceeded to question if “fish” are real or not 😂

They should really call it the fauxlet o fish.

That made me laugh a lot harder than it should have done

@The-Magician group

Someone I work with went and bought a filet o fish, and then proceeded to question if “fish” are real or not 😂

Filet means they fill it with everything but fish my friend

😂 I’ll let my friend know

Deleted user

this whole convo is somehow making me hungry…

you need to be eliminated, then

Deleted user

Bro I swear if my grandma doesn’t save me some meatloaf for after I’m done being sick I’m going to cry-

@HighPockets group

Someone I work with went and bought a filet o fish, and then proceeded to question if “fish” are real or not 😂

They should really call it the fauxlet o fish.

That made me laugh a lot harder than it should have done


@Pickles group

i would eat the mcspaghetti unironically

and if you called it good in front of my Italian heritage, I’d kill you unironically

Woah now, Emi, you can't have a McLobster if you're in jail D:

Last meal on death row

@HighPockets group

i would eat the mcspaghetti unironically

and if you called it good in front of my Italian heritage, I’d kill you unironically

Woah now, Emi, you can't have a McLobster if you're in jail D:

Last meal on death row

Maybe it'll come full circle and GMM will have her death be part of the Last Meals On Death Row guessing game.

Deleted user


Deleted user

lies, my last meal on death row would be a plate of cheese ravioli and some cronchy garlic bread


i would eat the mcspaghetti unironically

and if you called it good in front of my Italian heritage, I’d kill you unironically

German/Italian/English here
If it tasted good
I would call it good
regardless of my ancestry

@HighPockets group

i would eat the mcspaghetti unironically

and if you called it good in front of my Italian heritage, I’d kill you unironically

German/Italian/English here
If it tasted good
I would call it good
regardless of my ancestry

That's like….exactly what I am lol

@Pickles group

I hate that it takes me so long to go from wet anger to cold (dry? Is it cold or dry? Idr) anger. I always cry when I'm angry and I'm hardly ever a stone when I'm angry. I want the ability to just glare at people without tears running down my face.

Deleted user

I’m going to take out my lungs and shove them into a blender I swear to god.

@HighPockets group

I hate that it takes me so long to go from wet anger to cold (dry? Is it cold or dry? Idr) anger. I always cry when I'm angry and I'm hardly ever a stone when I'm angry. I want the ability to just glare at people without tears running down my face.

It's even more annoying if you (like me) don't cry when you're sad, but when you're angry. I want to have a power glare, for chrissake, and it kills me that I get stuck with some teary thing instead.

@Echo_6 group

Wouldn't we all agree that it's always a great day when one of your friends is facing being kicked out of their home for stupid reasons and then a moment later you learn about another friend going to the ER because of a really bad collision and they can't breathe properly but that's all you know because you can't go to them. I'm totally not having a mental break down while trying to help both of them from my house.