forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers

Deleted user

I don’t

want to hear that

just let me think

I know you care, and you’re trying to help, and sure you might get it, but this show is so important to me, and the message they sent is so profoundly impactful on my state of mind, it’s silly to think about.

I’m sixteen

I’ll just be called stupid or edgy if I provide these thoughts to anyone else

and that’s what these thoughts are.


I see.
I'm going to sleep, seeing as I have a forensics meet tomorrow.

Good luck, Em.


@saor_illust school


so I have a friend who I'm really close with and he's been sad lately and I've asked him about it and he said no, he doesn't really wanna talk about it

is there anything else i can do to support him?

Deleted user

Don’t push him to talk about it, but be supportive in other ways, like being around him or offering company when he wants it

Deleted user

Haha, we have to do mental health classes in our school.
They talked about suicide qnd drug use wne no2 im on 5h3 vegre of q pqnic wttwck


we had a sudden fire drill and it's. so loud. i hate it so much.
my teacher has ptsd so we briefly talked abt loud noises and it was Good


Haha, we have to do mental health classes in our school.
They talked about suicide qnd drug use wne no2 im on 5h3 vegre of q pqnic wttwck

shit man you got any music to help?

Deleted user

I’m going to ask my crush out again, but to see the sonic movie coming out so I can make fun of it.

Deleted user

Well, it’s been a good run. I have gym. I’m probably going to die. I might be over exaggerating but god damnit I hate gym.

Deleted user

I realized that I hadn’t eaten anything all day without a second thought. I skipped two meals and only drank water all day. It’s not like a “I’m sick with the flu” loss of appetite, it’s more of a “I don’t feel anything” type.

This means Nate’s gonna be pissed

i should probably force down some ramen or something though

also I apologize to anyone who might’ve read my absurd thoughts last night

I said too much ~0~

I moved most of it to Nate, ofc, and I still feel really bad for it. I was feeling really depressed (and still am) and I hate inflicting those thoughts onto other people, including you and my irl supporters.

but i just feel stupid, so I’m sorry