forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

If refreshing doth not work then thou must simply quote the comment thous wishest to see and thou shall be enabled to see it in it's original form.


If refreshing doth not work then thou must simply quote the comment thous wishest to see and thou shall be enabled to see it in it's original form.

Thank you!


I missed you-
How are you fren?

you missed me?!? That's crazy!
Thank you! I'm doing okay, but I have one of the worst headaches I've ever had and had to miss the first day of school because of my coughing, irregular breathing, and scorching fever :( and I hyped up christmas too much and it was really boring and pointless. But other than that, I'm surviving.
How are you fren?

Deleted user

Let me explain something. I felt confident today because I got a chuckle out of my crush. It felt amazing. He smiled… ughhhh my heart. When I saw his smile I looked away, I knew I was completely red faced. God why :’(. He makes me so happy, and I hardly see him smile, or laugh. He laughed. He smiled. He looked happy. Holy fuck it brightened my day. I’m not wearing a jacket and it’s a shirt that shows my collar bone. I’m never able to wear them without messing with them! I feel so great! I got him to smile. Why am I so fucking happy. This was the highlight of my month so far.