forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

Trump is turning a very tense issue into a dick measuring contest with Iran and it makes me wanna die
But not literally bc I swear to God if some fucking war kills me before 2021 I will fistfight Trump in Hell.

I… I love how you worded this way more than I should
Thank you

How's the impeachment process going with Trump anyways?

It's kind of forgotten.

Deleted user

yeah i’d fucking forget about it too if we were on the brink of goddamn war

my dad thinks he’s not gonna get reelected because of the war, though, so


Trump is turning a very tense issue into a dick measuring contest with Iran and it makes me wanna die
But not literally bc I swear to God if some fucking war kills me before 2021 I will fistfight Trump in Hell.

I… I love how you worded this way more than I should
Thank you

How's the impeachment process going with Trump anyways?

It's kind of forgotten.

Okay, so he got impeached, which basically means the senate or house of representatives (I forget which), doesn't like you. Then he went to court, but the republicans decided that "Hey, we still want this guy in office", so he's still in office. The Senate/HOR still doesn't like him, but he didn't get removed from office

Deleted user

nope that’s not right.

The House voted for him to be impeached and the trial in the Senate hasn’t even started yet.

Deleted user

yeah because it’s the fucking senate which is mostly republican

Deleted user

I got really pissed off with this new news, so my unholy amount of rage isn’t towards any of you

It’s towards the fucking moron in office

Deleted user

I got really pissed off with this new news, so my unholy amount of rage isn’t towards any of you

m o o d

Deleted user

I am going to need an unholy amount of hugs tomorrow

Nate will be the person who receives most of it

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

politics suck… just sayin…

Yeah. A classmate and I were talking about how the world is going to end due to constant differing opinions in politics and stuff like that, and that eventually, a nuclear war might just break out because of it. Leaving the world to a bunch of insects to take over and rule the world and what that new world would be like and which type of insect would seize the most power. Pretty weird conversation, I know


sometimes i feel like i could be a better president and you guys know me-
i would be asking random people in the white house for bedtime hugs, cry every time a reporter asks a question, and then somehow manage to get everyone killed

Deleted user

I can't make that noise irl so I had to get it out somehow

Deleted user

You know when you're, like, going up a hill of stress and you're really close to dropping and you know the second you do everything is going to fall apart


You know when you're, like, going up a hill of stress and you're really close to dropping and you know the second you do everything is going to fall apart

You mean, like… my life in general?