forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@HighPockets group

Trump is turning a very tense issue into a dick measuring contest with Iran and it makes me wanna die
But not literally bc I swear to God if some fucking war kills me before 2021 I will fistfight Trump in Hell.

I… I love how you worded this way more than I should
Thank you

Thank you, it's a gift of mine lol.
But seriously, he doesn't seem to recognize that this situation could and might lead to a ton of death on both sides, and instead is all "yeah f you, we've got the big bombs and guns!" The very real fact is that if this does turn into a third world war and it ends with nuclear weapons from any side, it will fucking destroy the earth and kill most of us, and those of us left will die of cancer, starvation, and/or freeze to death.
We're not in the 1800s and early 1900s anymore, we cannot be engaging in things like this with the firepower of the world's countries.

@The-Magician group

Just saying that if it does get so far as to turn into a nuclear war, the leaders of all the countries with said weapons need to be assassinated ASAP and replaced with people who will actually think for two seconds before pressing those buttons. It is quite literally an eye for an eye, as soon as one person presses that button to release the nuclear missiles, everyone else does it as well. So unless the leaders are prepared to throw away their lives over pride, we shouldn’t have to worry about nuclear war.

Deleted user

yeah i was about to say, you probably don’t wanna dream about Trump

Deleted user

God I don’t think I can go to school. My hearts racing… I want to see him so bad but it’s weird. Fuck this feeling is… damn I’m fucking in love. Help. Please Jesus.

@Pickles group

At our school, the study halls during non-lunch periods are in the cafeteria and we just got our new seats
I'm not by myself at a table and I'm not far enough in the back
I don't like this at all

Deleted user

Bleh, I wanna commit a homicide, only problem is I would be the only one with any motive when the police come to investigate me.