forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers


it’s wednesday
as mentioned
and i hate wednesdays
as mentioned
and i just want to go back home
but i can’t
and i’m just dreading everything
not to mention other stuff happened recently that’s just making it all worse
…I’m just not doing good

@The-Magician group

That makes two of us Ella.
Except for me I hate Tuesdays.
When I'm at college on Tuesdays it is not a wise idea for me to be alone, because the last time I was I nearly offed myself on the railway tracks right next to the college.
A load of shit is happening to a lot of people, so just know that you're not alone and we are all here if you need to talk to us

@The-Magician group

tuesdays are the best because I don't have to do anything and I'm home alone for a little bit

On tuesdays I have a 3 hour gap between 2 lessons, none of my mates have lessons that day, and there is nothing to do because it's too wet here to go into the forest

@Pickles group

tuesdays are the best because I don't have to do anything and I'm home alone for a little bit

On tuesdays I have a 3 hour gap between 2 lessons, none of my mates have lessons that day, and there is nothing to do because it's too wet here to go into the forest


@The-Magician group

tuesdays are the best because I don't have to do anything and I'm home alone for a little bit

On tuesdays I have a 3 hour gap between 2 lessons, none of my mates have lessons that day, and there is nothing to do because it's too wet here to go into the forest



Deleted user

thank you but more things have happened and now I need even more hugs