forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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If your child is crying, here are things you should not say: “Oh my go*, what is going on in there.” “You gotta stop with the ‘woe is me’ stuff. It’s just making things worse.” That kind of of stuff does not help, and you’re the one who’s actually making things worse. Don’t tell him I said that. Please


i’m finally going home
thank god
today was so much worse than usual, and usual is pretty bad
thankfully since i cried so much earlier and got it all out of my system i was able to get through without any major episodes
which was really good cause your idiot here forgot her hecking blanket she uses to hide behind whenever those episodes do hit

…i just want to consume an entire tub of vanilla ice cream, fall asleep, and then just never wake up
everything was just so miserable today i-
i don’t know
i don’t want to be here
but there’s not really much I can do about that, is there

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

You ever have that moment when you hate someone so hecking much, that you just want to turn them inside-out by their darn tongue, drill them to a ceiling through their front two teeth, and watch their heart thump out its last few bloody beats as the person dies slowly in front of you?


except it wasn’t one specific person
more like a general group of people

…which sounds kind of terrible when you put it like that but it’s true

some people just shouldn’t have been given life in the first place

Deleted user

she said he can do whatever he wants to me and oh god-

call the police
for real ruby
this is serious

Yeah that sounds like a legitimate threat towards your physical and mental wellbeing and that s not okay


God I just got back from basically being in a fever dream and now there's abuse?! Please get help I hate that stuff so much. You gotta contact authorities of some kind, please be careful. Abuse can never be justified. Good luck!!!

sorry, was at work so didn't see this shit but i cant. i tried. i've tied everything. they just see me as a stupid teenager trying to get attention…

@saor_illust school

So I know that there is completely no reason for be stressed, but I am.
Some background - my birthday is in about two weeks, (we're doing a party with some friends) which means I also have to make cards.
My idot self also decided, let's make handmade cards!
Sounds fun, right? Well not when you spend like an entire half hour working on one single card but you also have to make fifteen. FUN.
And now I feel like I have to finish them by tomorrow morning because that was the original deadline my dad set, but that was also because he thought I was printing stuff out, not necessarily doing everything by hand. And I know that he removed that deadline but I'm still hella stressed and I just-
okay i feel slightly better now, well… okay only about 0.00000000000001% better but still.
i need huggies now that i remembered that there are free hugs today in the venting chat


dumps a load of hugs on you
Hey, if you’re spending 30 minutes on one card, I’m willing to bet they’ll turn out spectacular.


First off, degrading yourself by saying you’re an idiot isn’t going to do anything except make you feel worse.
You’re putting effort in because you care, and that effort should be reflected in the end result. Besides, I’ve rarely heard an artist view their own work and say, “Yeah, that was good.” It’s not going to be perfect, and that’s okay. Striving for perfectionism can be stressful and counterproductive, even.
You have to recognize that you’re making these cards for your birthday, you’re doing it for yourself, and if you’re not having fun in the process… drop it.
Oh and when’s your birthday?