forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@The-Magician group

actually gags

pounces on you and nyotices you gagging and stwuggling to escyape
OwO what’s this?!?

Someone who will break your bones if you don't get off me!!!

@HighPockets group

Hey, if anyone is feeling stressed out about the whole WW3 thing, I suggest reading I Hope You Get This Message by Farah Naz Rishi. It's a sci-fi/contemporary story about the possibility of the end of the world and how humans still can make connections and love one another in tense and frightening circumstances. Idk, I read it back in December and I really loved it.

@Pickles group

Hey, if anyone is feeling stressed out about the whole WW3 thing, I suggest reading I Hope You Get This Message by Farah Naz Rishi. It's a sci-fi/contemporary story about the possibility of the end of the world and how humans still can make connections and love one another in tense and frightening circumstances. Idk, I read it back in December and I really loved it.

I'm not particularly, but I'll add it to my ever growing mental list of books to read

@Pickles group

People think I'm good decent at flute but really I just take the music home as soon as we get it and pick it apart because I have nothing better to do. Or to procrastinate
It's sad, really

Deleted user

all I'm going to say is that i'm typing a message to my friend legitimately asking her to shave my head

Deleted user

I'm failing to see an issue…..? Shaving your head isn't the end of the world.

Deleted user

the moral of the story is that I'm b r e a k i n g

And it is sparking the urge to shave my head

Give myself a tattoo

And pierce my septum

Deleted user

which i personally think would really suit you but that is a personal opinion dont sue me

Deleted user

which i personally think would really suit you but that is a personal opinion dont sue me

I kind of agree but it's not a change I'm ready for right now

@Pickles group

Honestly the only people that will get upset over a shaved head are the judg-y assholes who pretend to not be at least a little unhinged
although my friend did shave her head but she's in guard, which means lots of doing hair, and sometimes she cries because she misses it, but I'm probably not helping

Deleted user

Honestly the only people that will get upset over a shaved head are the judg-y assholes who pretend to not be at least a little unhinged
although my friend did shave her head but she's in guard, which means lots of doing hair, and sometimes she cries because she misses it, but I'm probably not helping

I'd like to make it clear that I personally have nothing against shaved heads

Deleted user

I already kind of shaved my head, but it's grown out so now it's just longer, but still a pixie