forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Deleted user

fun fact one of my biggest fears is being old

so your girl is not doing well

@The-Magician group

fun fact one of my biggest fears is being old

so your girl is not doing well

Honestly Lee is the same way.
Every so often he will have moments where his mind will just stop and then suddenly everything goes blank—vision and all. Next thing is he's lying on a bed in hospital and he's freaking out because he's old and dying. Then what happens? None of us dare think about it…

@The-Magician group

Thank you.
Though until he can escape from home, the pain will continue.
He ran away once but he can't do it again. He has nowhere to go where his parents won't find him.

Deleted user

Huh, getting triggered by telling your friend your triggers so they could avoid them is something, am I right?
Someone please give me a hug I am sobbing


I know no one reads these or cares, but whatever.

Trigger warning for everything

I actually don't know why I'm writing at all, I'm feeling nothing right now, so that's great. Never thought apathy would be my strong suit but sharing is caring or whatever idc

I haven't been able to see my counsellor in three weeks due to holidays, and I've been doing okay mostly. But then the other day at Menards I saw someone I haven't seen in months and I guess he's a trigger or smth, because the instant he came over to say hi and give me a hug, I lost something and I haven't felt good since. He said he'd text me about getting together sometime and so I'm waiting for that, but I don't have hopes. Anyways, I've been shaky and depressed and prone to random bursts of crying ever since, and it's gotten to the point where I'm passively considering suicide. This was yesterday I saw this dude, and it's got me messed up this fast. So yeah, do whatever you want with this. There are a lot of things in my life rn that are contributing to me feeling depressed as shit, but that really sent me over. Hate everything :) Just felt like I should write it out, not lie it's gonna make me feel better, but for the thousandth time whatever.

@The-Magician group

I know no one reads these or cares, but whatever.

Trigger warning for everything

I actually don't know why I'm writing at all, I'm feeling nothing right now, so that's great. Never thought apathy would be my strong suit but sharing is caring or whatever idc

I haven't been able to see my counsellor in three weeks due to holidays, and I've been doing okay mostly. But then the other day at Menards I saw someone I haven't seen in months and I guess he's a trigger or smth, because the instant he came over to say hi and give me a hug, I lost something and I haven't felt good since. He said he'd text me about getting together sometime and so I'm waiting for that, but I don't have hopes. Anyways, I've been shaky and depressed and prone to random bursts of crying ever since, and it's gotten to the point where I'm passively considering suicide. This was yesterday I saw this dude, and it's got me messed up this fast. So yeah, do whatever you want with this. There are a lot of things in my life rn that are contributing to me feeling depressed as shit, but that really sent me over. Hate everything :) Just felt like I should write it out, not lie it's gonna make me feel better, but for the thousandth time whatever.

I'm really sorry you feel like that.
I know first hand that being suicidal/having suicidal thoughts is not a nice feeling, nor do I wish anyone to be going through it.
I can't really do much to physically help you, but if you ever need an ear just to listen to you vent, even if you think I don't care, I will always listen to you.


I'm really sorry you feel like that.
I know first hand that being suicidal/having suicidal thoughts is not a nice feeling, nor do I wish anyone to be going through it.
I can't really do much to physically help you, but if you ever need an ear just to listen to you vent, even if you think I don't care, I will always listen to you.

I honestly just don't know what to do about what happened at the store. Waiting for this guy to text me is agonizing, when my brain randomly decides to care. Plus with everything that happened when I was seeing him regularly, it's got me overloaded.
Thanks, by the way <3