forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers

Deleted user

Five Guys is good, not the best though.
There's a burger place in my town that s l a p s and that's the best burger.
Also Culvers burgers, those are great too!


@HighPockets group

Five Guys is good, not the best though.
There's a burger place in my town that s l a p s and that's the best burger.
Also Culvers burgers, those are great too!



@Pickles group

Burgers are gross

Yeah veggie burgers

Veggie burgers s u c k
I've never had one that's been cooked well.

They have a horrible texture, color, and taste, not to mention the chunks and stringiness of all the unblended vegetables


Gross foods that people like for some reason:
Hot dogs
Corn dogs
Fries (chick fal a has good fries. Only them)
Crunchy vegetables
Plain chips


Gross foods that people like for some reason:
Hot dogs
Corn dogs
Fries (chick fal a has good fries. Only them)
Crunchy vegetables
Plain chips

then give it all to me cause i'll appreciate it at least


Idk what Five Guys you guys are going to, but the one on MSU Campus is bomb. Then, you can either get Insomnia Cookies or MSU Dairy Store (10/10 would recommend one day going to MSU Dairy Store if you're near MSU Campus and like hard ice cream)
Also, I agree with the Culvers statement. Culvers is sooooo goooooood.


why is it that every time I start to think I might finally be getting better everything just crashes further down than before

I don’t know why I’m still here, there’s not a single reason left for me to keep going, i blew my chances already, but I can’t seem to build up the bravery to make it all end…

i just want it to end