forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers

@HighPockets group

Isn't there one big grocery store/department store in the Midwest that's just a Midwest thing?
I think it's either Kroger or Meijer

I think it's Meijer. Kroger is the brand parent of Pick N Save/Copps and some other stores.


not everyone has some great big purpose

some people just die to move the plot along, others are just there to bump into the mc causing him to drop his glasses

Deleted user

not everyone has some great big purpose

some people just die to move the plot along, others are just there to bump into the mc causing him to drop his glasses

But you are not one of those people.

@Pickles group

Everyone has a purpose
It might be small
But it's a purpose
Just like a small tortoise
Is still a tortoise
I don't know what yours is
But it's there
~a bad poem by Pickles

@Pickles group

(I haven't written a poem in a hot minute)

(Neither have I. It feels nice to bring back bad poems by Pickles. It's fun to write something stupid and not edit it)

@HighPockets group

To quote Twelfth Night: Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them.
It's kind of a sex joke but it's also inspirational.

@Moxie group

Kiddo life isn’t a book. You’re not a side character. It probably feels like that rn but everything probably feels hopeless to you right now. You are your own person and your life is important too. You’re not a plot point. You’re a human being with feelings and thoughts and emotions, feelings and thoughts and emotions that matter. You matter. You matter to me, you matter to all of us, you matter to your family and your friends. They may have a funny way of showing it, but it’s true. You might not have a purpose, or you might not see it right now and that’s okay. It’s okay to just live without the universe needing something from you.


well my problem isn’t so much that I don’t have a purpose, I don’t care if I’m not some big important celebrity, that’s never really mattered that much to me…

the problem is that regardless of what this purpose may be, I’m not gonna be happy

it’s impossible

i’ve completely ruined everything for myself and there’s not really a thing I can do about it but watch as more and more people are hurt

@Pickles group

I am someone (I like to think)
and I'm not hurt
At least not by you
So that's something?
There are lots of people in this world
And there'll be people that still love you
Plus when you die
You'll go to heaven
God loves you Ella
So do we
~a very bad poem by Pickles

@saor_illust school

tfw when the music you're listening to gives you that really strange feeling that's just impossible to describe even in a trillion words and it just hits you all at once with that feeling and you can't shake it

@The-Magician group

tfw when the music you're listening to gives you that really strange feeling that's just impossible to describe even in a trillion words and it just hits you all at once with that feeling and you can't shake it


@Kamea public

What does tfw mean?

that face when

lol no it means the/that feeling when

I mean yeah, it has multiple meanings, I just gave the most popular one lmao srry