forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@saor_illust school

You mean the feeling when you just shiver once and it feels like you've unlocked the secrets of the universe? And you can't help but feel happy and just a whole jumble of emotions all at once?
just me?

Kinda? I mean, it's not exactly mostly just happy, but definitely the whole jumble of emotions part. And the shivering.


You mean the feeling when you just shiver once and it feels like you've unlocked the secrets of the universe? And you can't help but feel happy and just a whole jumble of emotions all at once?
just me?

Kinda? I mean, it's not exactly mostly just happy, but definitely the whole jumble of emotions part. And the shivering.

Ah. I call that "God's Touch." I don't know your religious beliefs or anything but it just kind of makes me feel like God took his hand and placed it on my shoulder.

@saor_illust school

You mean the feeling when you just shiver once and it feels like you've unlocked the secrets of the universe? And you can't help but feel happy and just a whole jumble of emotions all at once?
just me?

Kinda? I mean, it's not exactly mostly just happy, but definitely the whole jumble of emotions part. And the shivering.

Ah. I call that "God's Touch." I don't know your religious beliefs or anything but it just kind of makes me feel like God took his hand and placed it on my shoulder.

I see.

Deleted user

How do you support your friend during a mental breakdown

Eat their mental breakdown

I'm vegetarian.

Deleted user

yet you had no problem eating your dad

Men are full of bullshit not meat

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

To quote Twelfth Night: Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them.
It's kind of a sex joke but it's also inspirational.

I believe it was either my group, or my classmate's that had to act out a skit that involved those lines and if it was my classmate's they acted it out as a sex joke and got away with it. In class. In front of the teacher.
Said teacher is also born on halloween.
Said teacher, is in my opinion, also the weirdest one in school.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

yet you had no problem eating your dad

Men are full of bullshit not meat

I mean we can be full of meat if we are that way inclined ;)

What the fuck is this awesomeness I just read? Is this Danny? (Apologies if I'm wrong)

@The-Magician group

I mean we can be full of meat if we are that way inclined ;)

What the fuck is this awesomeness I just read? Is this Danny? (Apologies if I'm wrong)

Pleasure to see you again bows mockingly

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

I mean we can be full of meat if we are that way inclined ;)

What the fuck is this awesomeness I just read? Is this Danny? (Apologies if I'm wrong)

Pleasure to see you again bows mockingly

YES! Pleasure to see you again too! Curtsies awkwardly (Why am I so good at guessing which one of the kins is out??? Like… I'm almost never wrong????)