forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Deleted user

Man. I've had a tough week. I started my period, I had a very angry argument with my now ex, it was the anniversary of my dogs death, I was just not in the mood. I feel alot better now though. I was choose to draw some talk sprite's for a small YouTuber. His user is Deervil. I'll tell you when he makes the video.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

I fucking hate my mom. Like, two minutes ago I was in a good mood, now I'm cryng trying to get up the courage to walk past her and get the glue so I can do my fucking art project….
I have two art journals due at school, overdue actually, I was thinking of a way to do this kind of starburst effect for one of them, and was gonna do tissue paper, when my All knowing mother decides that that won't get the effect I want, Like, I dont CARE??? I just want it DONE???? and topossibly get a decent mark because its DONE???
But no, she insists use coffee filters,
I agree to try to get her off my back, but looking at them to lay it out in my book, they're too big, and will ruin the design I want. I tell her and ask her where the tissue paper is so I can get this done, and she gets all judgy like, "You can use scissors" (Yes I could, but it''ll ruin the shape and make it harder to work with) I gave her my reason not to but she says no again, and I'm like, (Yes I said it, "Could you please not be so judgy?" (Cause it's MY project, NOT YOURS)
and then she does the thing where goes, "Fine, Don't listen to me, have a horrible peice of art" (Not exactly hat she said but she may as well have)
And now I have zero motivation I cant see the screen of my chromebook, and I'm crying.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Why can't my mom just once say, "okay, that's cool youre doing a great job, go for it!" without giving an opinion of her own as if it's her work???

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

And of course, once again, I can't talk to any of my IRL friends because she'll read the messages so here I am going behind her back and lying to her face going to youguys and one of these days Imma get caught and be banned from everything till I'm 18.

Deleted user

That's very serious. I'm very sorry. I wish I could do something besides be a depressed prick.

Deleted user

(i feel that on a personal level. I just learned that I can't solve all my problems with a very detailed polite conversation.)

Deleted user

(I can't relate to the mom thing because my mom's an angel and the best.)

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

She just came by my room, I thought she ould maybe realize that I'mvery obviously upset and maybe try and fix it but no she tells me to pick up my mitts cause Ill lose them.. LIKE… THEY'VE BEEN THERE FOR OVER A WEEK????
I know Im overreacting but.. this is too much…

@Moxie group

In situations like that I just tell myself, "Whatever. If its bad, so be it. I'm doing what I want to do."
Because you might mess up. You might make a mistake. But you'll learn for yourself. You can't do that with your mom telling you what to do.
So go get that glue. Get it quick and make the art. I believe in you

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Have you explained to her that while you appreciate her advice, it is your work and you want it to be your ideas that are in there?

I am going on two, maybe four years now of being entirely convinced that it is utterly impossible for me to talk to my mom about anything. We argue all the time, and as much as I love her, I really do, I also hate her more than any other person in my life for multiple reasons, number one being the fact that she THINKS she understands me and she doesn't.
Two being she never ever fucking listens to me.
Three being the fact that she's broken multiple promises. One being the promise she made never to read my writing, but she broke that when she took my phone, banned google docs on it after reading something I was working on after bedtime cause I couldn't sleep, and then confronting me on it after I left for school the next morning in an ice cold text sending me into tears for the entire day.

She is impossible to convince of anything, because once she's set on something there is no telling her otherwise.

@Moxie group

(While I want to follow that logic for my own situation, Moxie, I don’t think I can)

(The one we were talking about earlier?)

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

In situations like that I just tell myself, "Whatever. If its bad, so be it. I'm doing what I want to do."
Because you might mess up. You might make a mistake. But you'll learn for yourself. You can't do that with your mom telling you what to do.
So go get that glue. Get it quick and make the art. I believe in you

Thanks Moxie, that actually does help.
What doesn't is my mom came in here asking me a question, and said nothing about the fact that I was very clearly wiping away tears and not looking at her.

Deleted user

there is nothing more comforting than a random openly lesbian girl seeing you in the hall and telling you "you're, like, really pretty"

But in other news, I really want lemon ice cream and we don't have any

I'd have to go out to get it

And it still wouldn't be as good as the stuff in Germany


there is nothing more comforting than a random openly lesbian girl seeing you in the hall and telling you "you're, like, really pretty"


Deleted user

there is nothing more comforting than a random openly lesbian girl seeing you in the hall and telling you "you're, like, really pretty"