forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Moxie group

(While I want to follow that logic for my own situation, Moxie, I don’t think I can)

(The one we were talking about earlier?)


(yeahhhh… Sorry, it doesn't apply to all situations.)

Deleted user

I stress so much about whether or not animals are happy

Not just my animal, though the thought of my son cat being unhappy literally brings tears to my eyes

but like… I just saw a hamster in a video and I immediately thought "is it happy in that new cage? Is it really?"

Idk. That's my 'vent,' I guess.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

I wanna go, [To school] (Escape from evil mom and noisy sibs (I love them, I really do, but I need SPACE)
But I also don't wanna walk. (Its about 5-6 blocks? (Depending on how I count the partial ones)

Deleted user

Love confusion. I have a crush on two people at the same time. And I’m still getting over a breakup, what the fuck is happening to me.
So the one I’m pretty sure just sees me as a friend (I like them more, of course I do.) and the other one I’m slightly annoyed by but I still have a small crush on them.
I don’t know what to do and the one knows and they haven’t told me how they feel because they don’t know and I just what the fuck.
And my friend ships me with the one I like more and whenever we talk around her she says I ship it and my heart pounds and I get nervous and start shuddering and laughing and I just used so many ands I am very nervous. I like him a lot and I just want to see him happy. I want to snuggle with him and hug him, make him feel wanted, break him out of his shy shell even more. I care about him so much but I don’t want to push him away from me. I keep getting very bad butterflies, and I’ve never felt so happy and nervous around someone. I really don’t want to loose him, I’ve been his friend since 8th grade. We went to Hershey together (and Emi was always there by my side, I didn’t forget about Emi just listen-), I stayed in band just to see him and Emi. I tried my best to get through freshman year band camp, at first I thought it was because I loved Emi, but I did it for him. I’m so fucking confused. I wish I could go back to summer and push through band camp, just to talk to him more, see him more happy, listen to his soft shy voice, see him talk and open up to others.

God dammit I’m head over heels for him. FUCK