forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Pickles group

ughhh my head hurts
prolly a combination of sleep deprivation and dehydration but like
i ate about five ice cubes
shouldnt it be gone alreadyyyyy

Maybe because five ice cubes is like half a glass of water and you need more than that?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Oh dear,
I seem to have developed a manner of speech and writing derived from my current readings. I worry for those who shall have to endure my 1700's manner of speaking.

Hmm. Those who would not enjoy a style so influenced by classical literature need not concern you as their opinions have no bearing on what is good.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Well, nobody asked, but I'm leaving in two days. Just wanted to say that for whoever may care. I didn't plan to leave so early, but things just stacked up this way. So on June 10th, I'll be out of your guy's hair, for at least two months. Or longer. I don't know.

Well this is quite a pity. I probably won't be on very much as I plan on helping Mikayla graduate and I am in finals week.

Deleted user

Zach, can you at least tell us where you're going now?

@Anemone eco

I'll think about it. Perhaps I'll say it later today, or tomorrow. Whenever I have a slightly clearer head than I do now.


You know what I find really stupid: The fact that my mom is giving me crap about my history class online and how I am behind by like 2 assignments, and that she is making it her duty to give me crap about it and how she is making me feel guilty over the smallest things when in reality she also wants me to grow up but I can't exactly take responsibility and grow up when she does make it her duty to baby me instead of letting me take my own consequences because if I fail this class, it doesn't affect her in any way shape or form, all it does is make me take this free class again in the fall

@saor_illust school


goodbye friends…
i’ll miss y’all-

stay safe for me, ok?


i care about both of you, (and zach you too, just gotta make sure you know that) so if anything or anyone hurts you i will fite them if i see fit-

anywho, yeah, try not to get into any trouble, make sure to take care of yall, and drink water so you dont get dehydrated like me

@saor_illust school

ughhh my head hurts
prolly a combination of sleep deprivation and dehydration but like
i ate about five ice cubes
shouldnt it be gone alreadyyyyy

Maybe because five ice cubes is like half a glass of water and you need more than that?

hadn't thought of that
jlksdklsd i have a violin lesson todayyyy and i gotta make it so maybe i'll gobble down a bunch more ice cubes later today
cause guess what?
my head still hurts :))))))))

Deleted user

You know what I find really stupid: The fact that my mom is giving me crap about my history class online and how I am behind by like 2 assignments, and that she is making it her duty to give me crap about it and how she is making me feel guilty over the smallest things when in reality she also wants me to grow up but I can't exactly take responsibility and grow up when she does make it her duty to baby me instead of letting me take my own consequences because if I fail this class, it doesn't affect her in any way shape or form, all it does is make me take this free class again in the fall

I get that . I'm currently in summer school taking two classes that I don't have to take in the fall because yeah.


It legitimately happened like 5 minutes ago, I just got the email, I had to send some pictures of me and a monologue and they would "love to have me on board"!!!!!

@saor_illust school


okay now onto the details
i legit don't know what it means to be sponsored by an agency so could someone explain that to me?
all i know is that it's exciting haha



okay now onto the details
i legit don't know what it means to be sponsored by an agency so could someone explain that to me?
all i know is that it's exciting haha

Yes of course!!
So an agency's job is to have contacts in whichever industry and be able to create opportunities for whoever they represent. Now that they represent me, they'll put me in the ring for all sorts of jobs that their contacts are offering. So basically now that I have an agency I'll be able to audition for much more and therefore get more roles!


It's hot but I need a blanket on

I live in the freaking desert, and our nights are in like the 90's here and our air conditioning is getting fixed, but I still need like a weighted or heavy blanket on top of me so I can sleep

@Althalosian-is-the-father book


okay now onto the details
i legit don't know what it means to be sponsored by an agency so could someone explain that to me?
all i know is that it's exciting haha

Yes of course!!
So an agency's job is to have contacts in whichever industry and be able to create opportunities for whoever they represent. Now that they represent me, they'll put me in the ring for all sorts of jobs that their contacts are offering. So basically now that I have an agency I'll be able to audition for much more and therefore get more roles!

That's so freaking cool, Amber.

@Pickles group

Did I just curl my hair for absolutely no reason? Yes
Contractors are apparently coming to look at our windows so I might have to take my sister to dance and that's the only time I'm leaving my room tonight


Amber that's awesome!!

Question for y'all: should I put a pic of myself in the pictures chat? Because I've got a pic that I feel…okay about showing y'all (even tho my face looks kinda gross)

@Pickles group

Amber that's awesome!!

Question for y'all: should I put a pic of myself in the pictures chat? Because I've got a pic that I feel…okay about showing y'all (even tho my face looks kinda gross)