forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Deleted user

y'all got any tips on how to actually sleep

@Milani eco

y'all got any tips on how to actually sleep

honestly, counting helps me, or if my dog is on my bed i just rhythmically pat her.


y'all got any tips on how to actually sleep

I walk outside in the dark for a while.


rip my poster that was not given back to me at the end of school


in all honesty, it mightve not been back to me or i took it home, lost it, and then completely forgot about it. they both seem equally as likely

@Pickles group

I just got up and I'm already drained

Fill your flesh vessel up with nutrients

Sometimes y'all are exhausting. This is why I don't get ten hours of sleep came back to 16 notifications and 2 PMs and finally understood why people don't check what they missed when they were gone. Except my brain still doesn't let myself do that
But yeah breakfast is delicious and I'm not missing it


Remember the whole “my mom posted an embarrassing picture of me to Instagram” situation?

The shop that made the dress I was wearing just commented on it
I want to jump off a bridge
in minecraft of course

Deleted user

My mom does that, but with my pictures….like ugh….I get it, you are "proud" of me, but seriously? No .

Deleted user

Idk maybe because she's proud of you and your work and wants you to succeed or something else inconceivable like that

damn ain't that a crazy thought


I get that she wants to be supportive and I’m very grateful for it, but this is a professional clothing line and she’s just forcing it in so awkwardly
plus that’s like the worst picture to promote it on

Deleted user

so, zach, you're leaving when, tomorrow?


are you gonna tell us where you're going yet?

Deleted user

ight. whatever shrug
I may very well not be here when you get back, so bye, I guess.