forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Deleted user

I have not actually blushed in a long time
but ladies and gents

Let me guess. You're. Super. Freaking. Gay.


@Pickles group

I have some hospital video in my youtube recommended about 'male lactation'

lord forgive me for what i'm bout to do

I'd watch.

Look, you guys are my friends and all but I did NOT want to know that that's something y'all would watch

Deleted user

I hate musicals

Is this a joke? Because… I got that reference.



My soul has been crushed.
What's shakin'?


Nothing much. Just had a really nice dream that I wish was my reality. Was very not fun to wake up.

Deleted user


@saor_illust school

its 1pm and i dont feel as scared cause i can actually talk to yall but heres a vent i wrote last night
i may seem like a happy bubbly person most of the time but the truth is i'm scared.
every single fucken day i'm scared that i'll lose someone
but none of you are even mine
maybe yall are just people passing through
and maybe it's wrong of me to get so attached
i would give my life for any one of you
i would do nearly anything if it meant that yall got to stay alive
maybe it's wrong of me to tell you this, but
i'm scared that one day i'll wake up and one of you won't be here anymore.
or maybe that one of you will have moved on.
that you no longer care as much about your friends on discord,
if you could ever call them that
cause after all,
we were always just strangers with a strong connection.
maybe it's true,
that our friendships wont last.

i know that…
i fucken know that and it hurts
every day that i wake up and remember that friendships are only temporary
that some day, it's likely that i'll lose yall?
it actually hurts
why cant i keep yall as friends?
yall are the ones who remind me to take care of myself too
i spend so much time worrying about my friends,
that oftentimes i forget that i need care too

sometimes i just need a hug
and when i do need one
it's not someone i know irl that i wish could be there for me
i imagine quan, emi, ella
mir, lizzie, jinxy, the list goes on and on
and yes i mixed in my nb friends with discord friends
but ill be posting this both on nb and discord so
itll make more sense to yall this way
and i wont have to edit

but yeah, yall mean a lot to me
and i dont ever want to lose any of you
not that yall were ever "mine" to begin with but
i dont want to lose our friendships
i cherish them too much
even the small insignificant ones
even the ones with people ive barely met
or even those ive only said one thing to-
i get attached so easily
id get another fucken panic attack if i thought that i was on the verge of losing someone
please don't ever leave this world
not if you have a choice
suicide is a choice yall
illness and disease are not usually a choice
yes, there are certain things like liver failure and all that that can be brought on by ones choices but that's besides the point

please don't ever choose to leave this world
ill always cherish you
and the time we had together,
but most of all
ill miss you
not the memories we made together
(but ill always treasure those)
but you yourself,
even if ill never see you again

god that made me even sadder than i already am
i hate looking through that pinterest board but like
the reason why all the images always hit so hard is that they're just
so me
most of them are pretty dark though,
although thats not really much of a surprise to me
i seem to only be able to write dark things.
and it's five am
i have stuff to do
practicing for auditions
i have a whole month to do this but
i am so t i r e d
and its cause sleep deprivation
oH emi sent me a thing about hydration today
i should go hydrate before i sleep…
but mmm im so tireddd
im not even looking at the keyboard at this point, i'm just relying on pure muscle memory to make sure i dont make any typos.

ughhhh im so tiredddd
can i just not require so much sleep?
theyn maybe i could finally just stay up all nigt and only sleep like
three hours

okay izzy out
im way too tired atm
may or may not hydrate before i sleep
i'm also offline rn so like
cant post this rn
for reference, it is currently 6/9/2020 4.48am

Deleted user

when you accidentally say something in a way that sounded mean even though you didn't want it to be and now your mom is throwing another tantrum
I am so fucking sick and tired of feeling like I am more mature than her
because I've worked on myself for years just so that I could change to do what she's too stubborn and shallow to do
nobody should feel like when they won't want their mother to have anything to do with their own children someday.
can't my family just be fucking normal?
why can't we be one of those families with normal kids who have normal brains and a nice dad who works and lives with us and actually gives a shit about his children and actually gets along with his family and wife? why can't I just have a nice mom who likes her job and doesn't use my mental health against me and lets me do things I want sometimes and doesn't have like three fucking personalities and isn't more immature than me?
I'm done
I'm so done
I'm done with her
I'm done with my brother always being so perfect and quiet so that I just have to be the one to argue with her, even on his behalf
I'm done with all this shit
I'm trying so hard at everything and I'm still not fucking happy
death sounds really good right now.

Deleted user

and cramps and depression and I'm just
not really happy
with being alive right now

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

There is a girl that I befriended last year because we seemed to have things in common. However, I sensed that something was off. I began having severe issues with my other friends and hung around this girl (let's call her Karen - not her real name) more. This led to her becoming SEVERELY clingy to the point where I was virtually never allowed to leave her side. However, I still hung around her because I needed friends and she also let me talk about my passions and vice versa.
Fast forward a year. Karen is only slightly less clingy. She now almost never lets me talk. I once asked if she wanted to hear about some of my characters. She agreed as long as she was allowed to talk about hers first. She spoke about hers for half an hour and then had the audacity to tell me to hurry up when I spent two minutes establishing crucial worldbuilding. She constantly talks about how I'm her best friend, though she's nowhere near mine. Lately, Karen's been accusing me of hating her because I want to spend time with other friends. When I partnered with one of my actual best friends in gym, she sulked for the rest of the class and said that she "does so much for these people and they never do anything for her." Really? All you do is ignore them and cuss them out.
I desperately want to break off this friendship, but I know how it feels to be inexplicably rejected by someone you thought was your best friend. I don't want to hurt her because she's very sensitive.
How do I break off my friendship with Karen, or am I the one at fault?

@Pickles group

If you haven't told her how you feel before, breaking it off would probably seem put of the blue, so you should probably tell her how you feel in the least accusatory way you can and go from there. But if you have and she ignored it, uhm. Yeah idk about that part

Deleted user



Oh nice!
Mine never stop hurting lol, should probably get that checked out
My aunt's dog rammed into my face with his nose and I think it's broken