forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers

@HighPockets group

dom did what to my lizzie???
I think the absolute flying fuck not
square up domino
you may be almost 20 and nearly six feet tall but this 5'3 (I think) teenager is gonna take you tf down

Mind-Dom better square tf up because this 5'4" teenager is gonna help

are you bringing the garbage bags or the baseball bat?

Softball bat for sure

Deleted user

are you bringing the garbage bags or the baseball bat?

I just reread this as "garbage bags or trash pins?" i'm tired

Deleted user

why do I feel so iron-y all of a sudden
for literally no reason I randomly feel like there is so much
like fucking iron man
am I okay–

@Pickles group


Time to play the game of: Vampire or Kinky?

The correct answer is yes
no there's too much pulling going on for it to be vampire

@saor_illust school

ughhh my head hurts
prolly a combination of sleep deprivation and dehydration but like
i ate about five ice cubes
shouldnt it be gone alreadyyyyy


I'm graduating this year and there is this group of girls that I was friends with for a week because I was at a camp and we were all in the same group. But I was friends with them the summer before I started High school (so around 4 years ago) and I was the oldest one, and in that time, our leader got married and one got accepted into art school, and a bunch of stuff happened, but We haven't all talked in like 3 years and I want to tell them I'm graduating and my only idea is when I take my senior photos, I want one of them to be me in my robes and me smiling and send it in the group chat, but then after like 2 minutes, say "Sorry wrong group chat" because I'm too awkward to actually do anything


Oh dear,
I seem to have developed a manner of speech and writing derived from my current readings. I worry for those who shall have to endure my 1700's manner of speaking.

@Anemone eco

Well, nobody asked, but I'm leaving in two days. Just wanted to say that for whoever may care. I didn't plan to leave so early, but things just stacked up this way. So on June 10th, I'll be out of your guy's hair, for at least two months. Or longer. I don't know.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Hate to bring more bad news… but here's this…
I'm still on for another two weeks, but school ends at the end of this week, so therefore, next weekend I'm at my dad's, (2 weeks) I will not be on anymore after that. Except when I'm at his place.