forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers


Essays are so fun. It's just arguing, but on paper.

It’s an essay about how Corona Virus has changed you
God I wish if that was arguable
I’m was just writing what they want to here
And basically saying the same thing over and over with different wording just to reach the limit


I used to hate it, because a lot of the times we'd have to write for or against something I just couldn't care about. Then I asked one of my teachers if I could basically just bullshit my way through it, and they said as long as I had evidence and strong wording, it would still be a good essay. So that gave me comfort to know I don't actually have to care about the topic, I just have to write about it. Now my essays are just satire or stupid but irrefutable.


Essays are so fun. It's just arguing, but on paper.

It’s an essay about how Corona Virus has changed you
God I wish if that was arguable
I’m was just writing what they want to here
And basically saying the same thing over and over with different wording just to reach the limit

Ohh I had to do a few journals on that. Yeah, it was dumb.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Here's a vent.

Why the fuck does everyone hate mud daubers?? They're really nice and won't sting unless you actually try to hurt them, they eat spiders??? That's amazing, how can you hate that???? They make really cool nests and don't bother people, and the the in my state look really awesome. Like the blue ones??? Fucking gorgeous. The other two look more like creatures of hell but they're really friendly and chill about people.

Deleted user

when you're writing someone a letter but you lost their address so you have to ask for it for like the third time without sounding like a stalker because you're also not revealing you're writing them a letter because surprises

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

I'm not so shallow as to actually do that -_-

I'm not shallow and I'd totally do that.

Oh. Well, my parents would probably kill me if I did XD
And I usually have to cut back on my words, so it's not very important to me anyway.

@Pickles group

The genderbent little red riding hood I did on my precalc notes in class is objectively better than half my sketchbook

Can I steal this?


Dialogue. It's kind of good.


@Anemone eco

Essays are so fun. It's just arguing, but on paper.

I hate word count though. I'm normally very concise when I argue. Just last paper I could've done in a hundred words. It was 500-750.

My teacher was so hellbent on there being a certain amount of words that she printed sheets of paper with numbered blanks on it. Just so she could be sure that you reached the word limit.