forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers

@Anemone eco

Where did the joke come from?

She was looking at a field nearby and complained that it’ll probably be full of stores and houses in a few years, which won’t be as pretty


@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I feel like they were probably dared to do this, but something about having my neighbour yell bad pick-up lines at me from their yard is just hilarious.

You gotta profess your love! Shout that you are to be married as soon as this accursed disease is vanquished.

@Anemone eco

I feel like they were probably dared to do this, but something about having my neighbour yell bad pick-up lines at me from their yard is just hilarious.

You gotta profess your love! Shout that you are to be married as soon as this accursed disease is vanquished.

Lmao okay.

@Anemone eco

I feel like they were probably dared to do this, but something about having my neighbour yell bad pick-up lines at me from their yard is just hilarious.

You gotta profess your love! Shout that you are to be married as soon as this accursed disease is vanquished.

Lmao okay.

This person went back inside, came out with a bag of Ring Pops and asked me which flavour I wanted. I'm dying laughing.

@Anemone eco

I am extremely disappointed in myself. I just finished talking to them, and I just now realized that I never asked for their name.

Good job, Zach.

@Anemone eco

Why is it that when I draw stuff on lined paper and I think it'll turn out bad, it looks great. But when I go to draw the same thing anywhere else it looks like shit?