forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers

@Pickles group

pierogies are the best food on this planet


They're like raviolis but filled with potatoes. You have lived a sad, sad life, my child

how have I not heard of this before???
that’s like the two best foods ever but one-



I like ravioli but I don't really like potatoes, so I'll stick with my normal ravioli thank you very much

Deleted user

Hershey has an ingrown claw. It's apparently pretty painful and we can't get it out.

Deleted user

I'm literally gonna have an anxiety attack
I don't want him to be in pain I love him so much
And I can't get it out and I don't want to hurt him

@Moxie group

oh dang mox that's always scary.
I know this isn't the point but that is a solid senior quote
And y'know, maybe hopefully it is silent support? Assume the best and prepare for the worst, right?
Best case- silent support; worst case- bad homophonia
I'm sorry, my brain does not make words go right now (it's 2am and I found my old stuffed animals and I wanna hug them forever)

thank you I'm very proud of it
Yeah, ig we'll see
Nah, those were good words


I just had a bloody nose for twenty fucking minutes. what the fuck. i was bleeding out of both nostrils, because the right one was like "hey let's sympathy bleed"


“hey let’s sympathy bleed”

women be like

between this and shark week idk how much blood I'm gonna lose lmao maybe i'll die of blood loss


Me: very jokingly “Welp looks like everyone’s gotta stop having children forever so we won’t need houses anymore”
Mom: not seeing the sarcasm “you really are becoming a liberal…”
Me: what


Mom: not seeing the sarcasm “you really are becoming a liberal…”

I hate it when people think liberals are this way
Like I get tradition is great and all
Just don’t think liberals are crazy people
and also don’t be an idiot


Where did the joke come from?

She was looking at a field nearby and complained that it’ll probably be full of stores and houses in a few years, which won’t be as pretty

@Anemone eco

I feel like they were probably dared to do this, but something about having my neighbour yell bad pick-up lines at me from their yard is just hilarious.