forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Pickles group

Time to bottle up my feelings until they come out in a few weeks and I can't tell if I'm even still upset about it. And time to read a Nancy Drew book under the covers for the first time in a long while


oooh i forgot about nancy drew

and don’t bottle your feelings, the only thing that should be bottled is some water so you can stay well hydrated while you let out your emotions in a healthy and safe way

@Pickles group

oooh i forgot about nancy drew

and don’t bottle your feelings, the only thing that should be bottled is some water so you can stay well hydrated while you let out your emotions in a healthy and safe way

Not as good as I remember tbh. I don't think the yellow ones are my thing anymore. We'll try the others in the morning

Atm, bottling them up is better than letting them out. I don't trust myself to be nice or be able to properly explain why I feel the thing

@Pickles group

Don't bottle your feelings, that's how you end up like a slightly annoying teenaged protagonist in a YA novel.

I need all the YA protag bingo points I can get so I can survive the apocalypse

@HighPockets group

Don't bottle your feelings, that's how you end up like a slightly annoying teenaged protagonist in a YA novel.

I need all the YA protag bingo points I can get so I can survive the apocalypse

Send me the bingo card so I can check it out
I already turned 16 during a major global event and I have "dull brown hair and brown eyes" so that's at least 2 boxes

@Pickles group

Don't bottle your feelings, that's how you end up like a slightly annoying teenaged protagonist in a YA novel.

I need all the YA protag bingo points I can get so I can survive the apocalypse

Send me the bingo card so I can check it out
I already turned 16 during a major global event and I have "dull brown hair and brown eyes" so that's at least 2 boxes

I can't find a good one


Don't bottle your feelings, that's how you end up like a slightly annoying teenaged protagonist in a YA novel.

I need all the YA protag bingo points I can get so I can survive the apocalypse

Send me the bingo card so I can check it out
I already turned 16 during a major global event and I have "dull brown hair and brown eyes" so that's at least 2 boxes

Ive been in a love triangle before

@HighPockets group

Don't bottle your feelings, that's how you end up like a slightly annoying teenaged protagonist in a YA novel.

I need all the YA protag bingo points I can get so I can survive the apocalypse

Send me the bingo card so I can check it out
I already turned 16 during a major global event and I have "dull brown hair and brown eyes" so that's at least 2 boxes

I can't find a good one

I sent you one