forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

wOW I am not fucking okay :DDDD

Do you wanna talk about it?

I think so
I've just been stuck in my head all day
and for a lot of yesterday
I already know what's going to happen probably tonight or tomorrow night
and I just don't want it to

@Anemone eco

I really want to get a female cat and name her K'Taay, which you must say with an exaggerated gay accent.

Here K'Taaaaaay!

I regret to inform you that there is no such thing as a "gay accent". Perhaps you were looking for "stereotypical gay voice"?

@HighPockets group

I really want to get a female cat and name her K'Taay, which you must say with an exaggerated gay accent.

Here K'Taaaaaay!

I regret to inform you that there is no such thing as a "gay accent". Perhaps you were looking for "stereotypical gay voice"?

Or "homophobic assumption of how gay people sound"


I really want to get a female cat and name her K'Taay, which you must say with an exaggerated gay accent.

Here K'Taaaaaay!

I regret to inform you that there is no such thing as a "gay accent". Perhaps you were looking for "stereotypical gay voice"?

Or "homophobic assumption of how gay people sound"

That's the one

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I really want to get a female cat and name her K'Taay, which you must say with an exaggerated gay accent.

Here K'Taaaaaay!

I regret to inform you that there is no such thing as a "gay accent". Perhaps you were looking for "stereotypical gay voice"?

Yes, that! Sorry, it has been a long freaking day of no sleep since 10 pm eastern time!

@Anemone eco

Well, do be sure to watch your tongue. Especially when tired. When certain things are said completely wrong, it will come out way more offensive than intended.


i think i’ve calmed down now-
I’m sorry, I was stressed and snapped at the first person to annoy me.
I don’t have any excuses, I was just being an ass, and I apologize.

the rules aren’t really clear anywhere due to the new thread, but they’re basically:

  • No spam

  • Keep your petty drama or grudges out of here

  • Any triggering or uncomfortable topics must be kept in spoilers even if it seems petty because I’m a fecking weakling and I said so

  • Don’t pick apart or yell at people that are clearly struggling, I hate that this has to be said, I don’t care how much you may dislike (insert person) that is not acceptable

and of course

  • Be nice

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Well, do be sure to watch your tongue. Especially when tired. When certain things are said completely wrong, it will come out way more offensive than intended.

I am more than aware of this….

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Well, do be sure to watch your tongue. Especially when tired. When certain things are said completely wrong, it will come out way more offensive than intended.

I am more than aware of this….

Addendum: Unlike others (some people in general, not you guys), I at least have the guts to own up to it and apologize for it!

Deleted user

honestly I'm kinda sick of not being able to do anything right
not with my family, not with my friends, not here, not with my mind
there's more going on
I know it
there's something else in my brain again
it's not just the same 4 or 5 disorders I already have
it's new, or at least different
I think I know what it is
but I know there's a few things I haven't gotten diagnosed with yet that I'm suspicious of
this is a new one
why can't I just be fucking normal?
why can't I do anything right?


Sometimes I think I'm not a crier
Then I watched a video about a guy who separated an ant from the rest of her colony
I cried at the reunion

if that’s not a mood

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Sometimes I think I'm not a crier
Then I watched a video about a guy who separated an ant from the rest of her colony
I cried at the reunion

if that’s not a mood

You don't understand
She had so much to tell them
She was so happy