forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Moxie group

Welp I need to get my thoughts out
So its time for a Gay Panic™
And not in a I-saw-a-really-cute-person-and-idk-what-to-do kind of way
In a did-I-just-out-myself-to-my-parents-with-my-senior-quote kind of way.
Some background. My dad and I love Brooklyn Nine-Nine. We watched the newest season together. My mom kinda likes it and I know she has occasionally watched it with him.
Now. My senior quote was "Every time someone steps up and says who they are, the world becomes a better, more interesting place." which is a quote from the show. It is said by a gay man to a bi woman after she has come out as bi in that episode. I just got my yearbook today and my mom read it, but I don't know if she knows that episode or not.
And then a little bit ago I was grabbing something from the kitchen and my dad was there. His work makes these patches with their logo on them for the people that work there and he told me they were making pride ones (they've never done this before) and asked me if I would want one if he could get it for me. I said yes cause duh, rainbow.
But idk. I don't think he read my yearbook quote but maybe my mom told him about it? And maybe this is his way of silently supporting me? Or just kind of testing me out and seeing what I would do if presented with something that was a pride symbol? Am I just reading too much into this?


oh dang mox that's always scary.
I know this isn't the point but that is a solid senior quote
And y'know, maybe hopefully it is silent support? Assume the best and prepare for the worst, right?
Best case- silent support; worst case- bad homophonia
I'm sorry, my brain does not make words go right now (it's 2am and I found my old stuffed animals and I wanna hug them forever)


oh no
it’s so hot here it woke me up in my sleep
chinchillas can not be this hot or humid
they’re probably so uncomfortable
why isn’t the ac on
they’re gonna get stressed
we’ve got to move them to the basement, this level of warmth could kill them-


Maybe a short film?

You and me, co-directing.

Wait wait. You direct, I'll film it.

Hmm. I've always wanted to be more of a DP, but I'm no good with cameras yet. Deal.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Maybe a short film?

You and me, co-directing.

Wait wait. You direct, I'll film it.

Hmm. I've always wanted to be more of a DP, but I'm no good with cameras yet. Deal.

I can design the wardrobes and set


Maybe a short film?

You and me, co-directing.

Wait wait. You direct, I'll film it.

Hmm. I've always wanted to be more of a DP, but I'm no good with cameras yet. Deal.

I can design the wardrobes and set

Now we need someone in sound and editing, and we can all script it.


dear braincells:
f you
you could’ve randomly generated a bunch of deep edgy fears that make you sound really cool or respectable, like the fear of losing the ones you love or being a toxic friend, but nooooo that would be too easy
now I can’t walk on certain areas of the floor without socks on, and sex jokes make me cry
thanks a lot, brain
I hate you

Deleted user

Guess who's back but only because of summer school hours!!!

@Pickles group

There is something HANGING FROM THE CEILING at my spot at the table. Can't tell what it is but I think it's a spider and now I'm itchy and terrified


There is something HANGING FROM THE CEILING at my spot at the table. Can't tell what it is but I think it's a spider and now I'm itchy and terrified

murder it


Oh Nutella. You should put those rules on page one so they won't get lost forever.

just saw this

Since I didn’t create the thread I can’t really do that
@PoliteAnarchist-WillOverthrowYou can you edit the rules from page 1266 into your first comment here so people can see them? thank you!!!

Deleted user

Open a window and just try to get it out. Be calm and won't annoy it.

@Anemone eco

Well, if you ask me, I say either kill it yourself or go get someone who will. Or just try and get it to go back outside.

Deleted user

ok this happened to me

1) Panic
2) Grab anything big, dense and soft, but not dense enough that you can’t put pressure onto it.
3) Quickly squish it under, NO HESITATING OR LETTING UP ON IT.
4) Squeeze shut (to release out the window) or keep pressing down until you’re convinced it’s dead

Deleted user

Ok now wear something protective and try to get it out. Make sure you don't get stung.

Deleted user

ok this happened to me

1) Panic
2) Grab anything big, dense and soft, but not dense enough that you can’t put pressure onto it.
3) Quickly squish it under, NO HESITATING OR LETTING UP ON IT.
4) Squeeze shut (to release out the window) or keep pressing down until you’re convinced it’s dead

Actually. That's a better idea than mine-