forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Ok I’ve heard of Christmas being pushed early

Drives me nuts when this happens; makes me kinda hate Christmas when it actually does roll around.

But why did I just get a Thanksgiving-related ad
In fecking May

That is weird….


(No hate to red headed step children by the way. It's a phrase I picked up from my chemistry teacher used when something is often forgotten about or ignored)


(I hate Valentine's Day waaaaaaay more than Turkey-Day!)

(I second this and Valentine is my last name, let me tell you the things elementary school students do…)

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

(I hate Valentine's Day waaaaaaay more than Turkey-Day!)

(I second this and Valentine is my last name, let me tell you the things elementary school students do…)

I, unfortunately, am aware of how cruel and vicious elementary school students can be.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Random little vent.
why is technology so annoying. Why must people design tiny stuff? Why must it look like really good tiny stuff but then turn out to be useles?
Why did I have to find a teeny bathtub and add it to my thing?
Why can't I find the teeny bathtub and delete it?
Why is there a random teeny bathtub somewhere in my project??
Why me???
(Context. I have a tech design class and were using a progra m called Sketchup to design condos for a project.
This included drawing floor plans and shit.
This also included adding stud like a bathtub, toilet, sinks stove fridge and various cabinetry to the thingy. So cue me going through the list of premade stuff looking for a bathtub that would fit, has faucets, and doesn't look stupid, and also me forgetting that you can scale things up or down in size.
Long story short in my search for the bathub I added a model to my project at some point, but the model was tiny in scale, so now I can't remove the model from my list because it says there's one in my project but i cant find it cause its so freaking small.
For all I know it got stuck in a wall and Ill never see it again.


my bed was moved ever so slightly and now everything feels weirdly off and disturbing
it’s the same room yet so unfamiliar
i can’t sleep

@Anemone eco

I remember one time when I decided that I was going to move my bed, so when a little later I was tired and just wanted to flop down on it, I was rudely greeted by the floor because I had forgotten that I moved my bed.


and something is making a really subtle noise that I can hear through my pillow
like a messed up heartbeat or crooked footsteps of a gigantic 4-legged stick creature walking around the basement

It’s not helping


I'm currently streaming on twitch if anyone wants to drop by
I'm not working on the comic or anything
Just drawing


I'm so tired. I must've fallen asleep around 11:30 and woke myself up around 6:15. I guess that's technically enough, but I usually get wayyy more sleep. I went to bed sad and worried, in my dreams I was sad, worried, and angry, and now waking up I'm basically still all that, or at least shaking it off. Hopefully I pass back out or find something fun to watch. AlsO I'm having cravings for Cheezits and chocolate, but I don't think we have Cheezits. Now I have to decide if I want to get up for the chocolate. Decisions, decisions. At least my head doesn't hurt so bad and I'm very w a r m.


I went to bed at 5 am
I woke up at 8 am with horrible cramps
I threw up because of them
I'm feeling fucking fantastic
I want to scream


I went to bed at 5 am
I woke up at 8 am with horrible cramps
I threw up because of them
I'm feeling fucking fantastic
I want to scream

oh no-
i feel that fren…
take some medicine, drink a lot of water, try to eat plenty of food, and if you have access to a hot water bottle or heating pad use it, it helps a lot-
and definitely take some naps when you can, sleep make ouch less bad


I have now thrown up twice and taken two different types of medicine
I threw up like ten minutes after taking each one (I took more in the first place because I threw up and wanted to make sure there were still drugs in my system)
I had like half a cracker but being nauseous made me rather less hungry than usual
I have a heating pad tho and that's nice
I guess this could explain why I've been especially temperamental recently