forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@HighPockets group

should I give it to them tonight or tomorrow?
I would just do it tonight but my dad’s not at all having a good day and I don’t want to make anything worse

Usually I would say do it ASAP, but since your dad's in a bad mood maybe hold off. He might have a bad reaction. What about tomorrow morning?

If you wait for the morning you'll also have the entire day to look into possible ways to help/talk through it, as opposed to a few hours before bed.


The point of doing it at night is so the littles will all be in bed or asleep.
That way my parents won’t be as busy, can plan things out, and actually have the time to talk to me if needed
Mornings could work if I remember to wake up early, but I don’t ever remember to wake up early so it would just get put off more


The issue with doing it tomorrow night is that it gives you an entire day to second guess yourself and back out of it.


I remember being in China and having to cross 4 lanes without a stoplight. It was like fucking Crossy Road irl.


I can’t really back out now
I put way too much time and hand pain into that stupid thing
Even doodled a small but carefully shaded zentangle on the other side
There’s not a chance in heck I’m throwing it away

Deleted user

when a girl in your class did something you've wanted to do for a while

and now you just feel like shit

and like you can't do it anymore

I am not doing well :)

@Anemone eco

I'm confused. I'm completely alone. Yet I heard breathing that didn't seem like my own. Almost like someone's breathing when they're asleep So I held my breath to make sure I wasn't just freaking out over my own breathing. Still heard the breathing. So I hope I'm just hearing things. I probably am. It's just weird how loud it was I guess.

Deleted user

I'm confused. I'm completely alone. Yet I heard breathing that didn't seem like my own. Almost like someone's breathing when they're asleep So I held my breath to make sure I wasn't just freaking out over my own breathing. Still heard the breathing. So I hope I'm just hearing things. I probably am. It's just weird how loud it was I guess.


Deleted user

  1. I suggest doing some research on the magickal uses of eggshells and salt. To put it simply, that shit gonna protect you.
  2. Sprinkle salt lightly around the area. Crush up and eggshells and do the same.


Man I thought you suggested salt to me that one time so I could see the footprints in it. Little did I know it's magickal.


If you haven't had a good amount of sleep in a while, it could be your brain doin' a thing. When I was super sick and miserable and barely getting any sleep, my brain liked to pretend that bed was moving, like someone was pushing it around from the bottom. So idk, it could be your brain doin' a similar thing that my brain did.

@Pickles group

Man I thought you suggested salt to me that one time so I could see the footprints in it. Little did I know it's magickal.

No no, cover your entire house in a thick layer of salt

Deleted user

Man I thought you suggested salt to me that one time so I could see the footprints in it. Little did I know it's magickal.

I mean
that works too lol

@Anemone eco

If you haven't had a good amount of sleep in a while, it could be your brain doin' a thing. When I was super sick and miserable and barely getting any sleep, my brain liked to pretend that bed was moving, like someone was pushing it around from the bottom. So idk, it could be your brain doin' a similar thing that my brain did.

You see, that's what I think might be happening. Because I'm pretty sure I've just been hearing/seeing things.

(No one was there this time btw. So that's good(?))

Deleted user

for footprints baby powder is better though


Man I thought you suggested salt to me that one time so I could see the footprints in it. Little did I know it's magickal.

I mean
that works too lol

Lol and I was like "oh I can use baking soda instead!" and you were probably thinking "no you cannot"
Unless baking soda is magickal too