forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers


Man I thought you suggested salt to me that one time so I could see the footprints in it. Little did I know it's magickal.

I mean
that works too lol

Lol and I was like "oh I can use baking soda instead!" and you were probably thinking "no you cannot"
Unless baking soda is magickal too

Kitchen Witches would like to know your location.


If you haven't had a good amount of sleep in a while, it could be your brain doin' a thing. When I was super sick and miserable and barely getting any sleep, my brain liked to pretend that bed was moving, like someone was pushing it around from the bottom. So idk, it could be your brain doin' a similar thing that my brain did.

You see, that's what I think might be happening. Because I'm pretty sure I've just been hearing/seeing things.

(No one was there this time btw. So that's good(?))

Yes, good that an intruder is not there. Not good: you need to get some more sleep dude.

@Anemone eco

Man I thought you suggested salt to me that one time so I could see the footprints in it. Little did I know it's magickal.

I mean
that works too lol

Lol and I was like "oh I can use baking soda instead!" and you were probably thinking "no you cannot"
Unless baking soda is magickal too

I just remember a story dealing with baking soda. Short story. My sister wanted to make scones for my family. She looked up a recipe online. When she was making it, she misread 'baking powder' as 'baking soda'. The end result was not very favourable.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Man I thought you suggested salt to me that one time so I could see the footprints in it. Little did I know it's magickal.

No no, cover your entire house in a thick layer of salt

Power move: Live in the middle of the ocean

Deleted user

Me trying to figure out why we're spelling magical with a k??-

there's a difference between magick, as in ritual, religion, and occult and magic, which is a performance.

@Pickles group

Me trying to figure out why we're spelling magical with a k??-

there's a difference between magick, as in ritual, religion, and occult and magic, which is a performance.
