forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Deleted user

It's a very terrifying feeling. Once I was so eager to grow up.
Never want to grow up, make your life standstill in every moment.
Age is not a trophy

@Pickles group

Why do new people have to come and ruin things
Not even like, newbies. Just people I like now
But I'm trying to do a thing and the fact that you showed up when you did is making it much more complicated

Deleted user

I mean if you'll calling Winter and I out, we'll go, but yeah, I guess that's relatable. Sometimes I don't think they're intentional, just trying to fit in and be as socially accepted as most are… unless they're trolls.

@Pickles group

I mean if you'll calling Winter and I out, we'll go, but yeah, I guess that's relatable. Sometimes I don't think they're intentional, just trying to fit in and be as socially accepted as most are… unless they're trolls.

…. No.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I've been taught to not be where I'm not wanted. And in reality, I know I'm not even remotely wanted on here 😂 but do I care? No. You'll never see me in real life, and words that are said are just words. They can't, and won't hurt me, bc I've lived through some stuff. Go ahead. Slam me, try to break me down, I won't defend myself. This is all fake sunshine. I've never seen your face, and you've never seen mine. But I shall leave you with a thought. How many people have left, becasue they've felt like they haven't been able to fit into this social hierarchy that has been created on here? It never used to be like that…


I lived in Barrow. No man's land. We're blocked in about 6 to 9 months of the year.

Like way up to the left of Denali, and to the right of the Chukchi Sea. In very small Utqiagvik. To make it easier, it's known as Barrow.

Yeah, I know where it is. But wow. Palmer is the epitome of civilization in comparison lmao

Yep. The land of the midnight sun really never let us see much sun for about 6 months and then solid sun for 3 months, and then a sort of glitch in the matrix and it decides what we get but other than that it was pretty fun. I'm living in South Carolina now, and whhhoooaaaa boy that was one hell of a change.

Jesus. Yeah. Palmer was a bit better, but we had Reallyyyyy long days in the summer, and really long nights in the winter. and we had no crickets and cicadas. I've moved to Nebraska and jesus fuck is the difference huge. Cicadas and crickets e v e r y w h e r e, i hate them

Deleted user

I've been taught to not be where I'm not wanted. And in reality, I know I'm not even remotely wanted on here 😂 but do I care? No. You'll never see me in real life, and words that are said are just words. They can't, and won't hurt me, bc I've lived through some stuff. Go ahead. Slam me, try to break me down, I won't defend myself. This is all fake sunshine. I've never seen your face, and you've never seen mine. But I shall leave you with a thought. How many people have left, becasue they've felt like they haven't been able to fit into this social hierarchy that has been created on here? It never used to be like that…

STOP it winter omg u drama queen- xd

@Pickles group

Could ya elaborate then, Pickles?

I could, and confuse us both even more while trying to explain myself without really saying what I'm trying to figure out because it involves other people on here, or we could just accept that not everything's calling you out and move on

Deleted user

Could ya elaborate then, Pickles?

I could, and confuse us both even more while trying to explain myself without really saying what I'm trying to figure out because it involves other people on here, or we could just accept that not everything's calling you out and move on


@Pickles group

I'm just stating things as I know how. And as I feel. It's truth, and I was always taught to stand up for what I think is just, and right.

Dude. I literally said I was talking about my friends. They're still here. They aren't going anywhere. They know I like them. Sorry you took my vague statement as a personal attack?

Deleted user

Please just ignore winter, shes going through a lot right now.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I'm just stating things as I know how. And as I feel. It's truth, and I was always taught to stand up for what I think is just, and right.

Dude. I literally said I was talking about my friends. They're still here. They aren't going anywhere. They know I like them. Sorry you took my vague statement as a personal attack?

I'm going to make this simple. I'm still learning, and as of right now, I take everything like a personal attack. I went from survive, to easy living, and I'm just trying to find my place, just like everyone else. Here, on Notebook, just isn't my place. I love it for what it was, not where it's going. I'm ducking out on the forums, just because most things I say are taken threatingly. I never meant it to be malicious, it's just that somethings can't be conveyed over typing. Sorry if it sounded off, I just can't get words and feelings out, without them being lifeless.

Deleted user

lizzie didn't say any names
or anything that would give away people she doesn't really like
shut up and stop being dramatic

@HighPockets group

I thought it would be a good idea to go back through my old work and while my friend loves it, I’m crying on the inside…

Oof. I almost always cringe whenever I look at my past work.

I’ve never looked at my past work until today. I don’t even remember how I got onto the topic of it honestly but for some reason I remember being on a discord call to my friend and reading something to her, and she feckin loved it.

Sometimes I'll reread my old work when I'm either really bored or really tired. Sometimes it's good, sometime it's….not.

@Pickles group

I thought it would be a good idea to go back through my old work and while my friend loves it, I’m crying on the inside…

Oof. I almost always cringe whenever I look at my past work.

I’ve never looked at my past work until today. I don’t even remember how I got onto the topic of it honestly but for some reason I remember being on a discord call to my friend and reading something to her, and she feckin loved it.

Sometimes I'll reread my old work when I'm either really bored or really tired. Sometimes it's good, sometime it's….not.

My idk writing is mostly pretty bad. It's gotten better, but honestly it's still not great and I'm okay with that. Most of the time.

Deleted user

Hey, @Connix_… Didn't you, like, just post a think about how you were 'leaving forever?'

Deleted user

Hey, @Connix_… Didn't you, like, just post a think about how you were 'leaving forever?'

i stalk the pages, wanted to help ella and maybe see if i could talk to anyone about something going on in my life. Leave me alone, its none of your business. Dont @ me again.