forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Well yeah lakes are gross but let him figure that out on his own lmao

Are lakes gross? Yes…. Especially because of all the seaweed. 😨 However, it would be nice to still have the lake that I grew up on to swim in when temps have been reaching the 90s here lately…. It isn't usually this hot at this time of the year, and it isn't even summer yet!

Bro I love swimming in lakes
Y'all are insane
It gets better when you're further out so the water's deeper and there's no seaweed, but I kinda like the seaweed.
The best part is when you're sailing and it's absolutely scorching and you capsize and the water's nice and cool
The worst part is dead fish
Or when you get out of the water and it's cold
Especially if you're sailing
I couldn't feel my toes for the rest of the day when that happened

@Pickles group

Everyone on Goodreads reads books so fast
And then there's me, who hasn't made noticeable progress on any of the books I'm currently reading. Except like, two that are now expired and I have to wait for again

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Well yeah lakes are gross but let him figure that out on his own lmao

Are lakes gross? Yes…. Especially because of all the seaweed. 😨 However, it would be nice to still have the lake that I grew up on to swim in when temps have been reaching the 90s here lately…. It isn't usually this hot at this time of the year, and it isn't even summer yet!

Bro I love swimming in lakes
Y'all are insane
It gets better when you're further out so the water's deeper and there's no seaweed, but I kinda like the seaweed.
The best part is when you're sailing and it's absolutely scorching and you capsize and the water's nice and cool
The worst part is dead fish
Or when you get out of the water and it's cold
Especially if you're sailing
I couldn't feel my toes for the rest of the day when that happened

Seaweed is the only thing that I hate about swimming in a lake…. Now if only the lake that I grew up on didn't go away…. 💔

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Everyone on Goodreads reads books so fast
And then there's me, who hasn't made noticeable progress on any of the books I'm currently reading. Except like, two that are now expired and I have to wait for again

Then there's also me, who forgets to update things.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Well yeah lakes are gross but let him figure that out on his own lmao

Are lakes gross? Yes…. Especially because of all the seaweed. 😨 However, it would be nice to still have the lake that I grew up on to swim in when temps have been reaching the 90s here lately…. It isn't usually this hot at this time of the year, and it isn't even summer yet!

Bro I love swimming in lakes
Y'all are insane
It gets better when you're further out so the water's deeper and there's no seaweed, but I kinda like the seaweed.
The best part is when you're sailing and it's absolutely scorching and you capsize and the water's nice and cool
The worst part is dead fish
Or when you get out of the water and it's cold
Especially if you're sailing
I couldn't feel my toes for the rest of the day when that happened

Seaweed is the only thing that I hate about swimming in a lake…. Now if only the lake that I grew up on didn't go away…. 💔

I live on one of the Great Lakes(winter is a nightmare) and pretty close to the Finger Lakes
We have a lotta lakes over here in New York State

@Pickles group

Everyone on Goodreads reads books so fast
And then there's me, who hasn't made noticeable progress on any of the books I'm currently reading. Except like, two that are now expired and I have to wait for again

Then there's also me, who forgets to update things.

I update too often so it kind of seems like I'm reading more than I am. I don't think it's working

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Well yeah lakes are gross but let him figure that out on his own lmao

Are lakes gross? Yes…. Especially because of all the seaweed. 😨 However, it would be nice to still have the lake that I grew up on to swim in when temps have been reaching the 90s here lately…. It isn't usually this hot at this time of the year, and it isn't even summer yet!

Bro I love swimming in lakes
Y'all are insane
It gets better when you're further out so the water's deeper and there's no seaweed, but I kinda like the seaweed.
The best part is when you're sailing and it's absolutely scorching and you capsize and the water's nice and cool
The worst part is dead fish
Or when you get out of the water and it's cold
Especially if you're sailing
I couldn't feel my toes for the rest of the day when that happened

Seaweed is the only thing that I hate about swimming in a lake…. Now if only the lake that I grew up on didn't go away…. 💔

I live on one of the Great Lakes(winter is a nightmare) and pretty close to the Finger Lakes
We have a lotta lakes over here in New York State

There's a lot of lakes here in Michigan too…. Getting to one is gonna take a bit longer since I'm in the area that had the dam failure/breaches; roads are closed off due to washing out.


didn’t i say yesterday that i was done with the internet for a while?
i really should’ve stuck with it
i have the nsfw filter set to max why is this cursed piece of writing here

@Anemone eco

People in my state are just idiots robbings stores with watermelons over their heads.

Do you live on Florida?

Lol. No, I do not.

Deleted user

didn’t i say yesterday that i was done with the internet for a while?
i really should’ve stuck with it
i have the nsfw filter set to max why is this cursed piece of writing here

lmao me last night

@Anemone eco

I'm considering leaving the site earlier than planned so I can have some time to panic to myself before I go.


i don’t know what happened but my dad is currently having an extremely concerned talk with my sister about getting rid of roblox because “Emma wouldn’t be able to do this” “Some people aren’t who they say they are” “This is why I didn’t want you talking to strangers” “That’s crossing the line”

what is going on

@Anemone eco

Wait you’re leaving the site?!??

Yeah. For two months, at least. I wish to come back. But I'm not so sure if I will. There's always hope though.

@The-Magician group

Wait you’re leaving the site?!??

Yeah. For two months, at least. I wish to come back. But I'm not so sure if I will. There's always hope though.

Well I for one wish that you do return, it’s not the same without you here. Please stay safe while you’re away. <3

Deleted user

quarantine has lead to me playing roblox more than I'd like to admit

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I have 8 tabs open on the One Piece Fandom Wiki
I'm trying to write a fanfic but my writing keeps being interrupted by bouts of hysterical laughter
I think this is the point where I start rethinking my life

@Anemone eco

we’ll miss you zach <3

Thanks, Ella. <3

I might leave in a week or so. Or maybe I'll leave on my planned date. I don't know yet. I'll definitely be sure to say bye before I leave.

@HighPockets group

Laissez, mon seigneur, laissez, laissez! Ma foi, je ne veux point que vous abaissiez votre grandeur en baisant la main d'une—Notre Seigneur!—indigne serviteur. Excusez-moi, je vous supplie, mon très puissant eigneur.

I just made the most ungodly noise.
Why would you do this? 😂

Because I know very little French, and "laissez, mon seigneur!" is very fun to say
Also I really love Henry V

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I have 8 tabs open on the One Piece Fandom Wiki
I'm trying to write a fanfic but my writing keeps being interrupted by bouts of hysterical laughter
I think this is the point where I start rethinking my life

Nine. Nine tabs open.

@HighPockets group

Everyone on Goodreads reads books so fast
And then there's me, who hasn't made noticeable progress on any of the books I'm currently reading. Except like, two that are now expired and I have to wait for again

I was gonna agree but I've read 2 books in 2 days so I really can't comment on that
I'm an ungodly fast reader though, so don't compare yourself to me for that.