forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Pickles group


I thought you were talking to Sy and I was like
Well yeah lakes are gross but let him figure that out on his own lmao

Deleted user

Sex, gore, or both?

a bit of gore
sex and childbirth together
nazi germany
anne frank

I… my eyes are fucking bleeding and whoever wrote this belongs needs to be in a mental hospital

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Alright. Here's my rant, and it involves my wonderful grandparents on my dad's side. Here goes.
I love my family down in the lower part of the state, in South Carolina. I really do. But I am the oddball out down there. I don't come from there, I wasn't raised down there, and for all they know, I'm the grandkid who acts too recklessly. Which would be fine, if I was a boy. Which brings me to my second point. I wasn't born a boy, and in their eyes, I can't carry on the family name. I was the first grandkid, therefore, I am the disgraced grandkid. Down there, I'm expected to be a "southern belle" type of girl. Which means, I'm supposed to listen to EVERY man that talks to me, and I'm not supposed to talk unless I'm talked too. And that really ticks me off. BECAUSE every time I go down there, they think it's the 1960s and literally some random guy shows up, and my grandmother swears up and down that he's visiting her, but I know she's trying to get me to "fall head over heels, and mindlessly in love" with this boy. When she knows very dang well I'm with another boy. And I hate it. I literally just stay in the room they give me, watching Animal Planet, and writing. That's it. I hate it. So much………
That's my rant. Thank you very much for listening.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Well yeah lakes are gross but let him figure that out on his own lmao

Are lakes gross? Yes…. Especially because of all the seaweed. 😨 However, it would be nice to still have the lake that I grew up on to swim in when temps have been reaching the 90s here lately…. It isn't usually this hot at this time of the year, and it isn't even summer yet!

@Pickles group

Sex, gore, or both?

a bit of gore
sex and childbirth together
nazi germany
anne frank

I… my eyes are fucking bleeding and whoever wrote this belongs needs to be in a mental hospital

As much as I really want to know how all this connects, you right. I don't want to know


Winter I'm sorry, I know how you feel. It really sucks to be told you can't do something because of your gender. It's even worse when the people putting you down are people you care about and love.

@Pickles group

Oof @ Winter. I don't really know how you feel, because I'm the one who just sits in the corner with earbuds in, trying to avoid social interaction. But I can imagine it sucks a whole lot and a half.

Angry Pickles has left the building, so y'all are left with a regretful, sentimental, crying, dehydrated Pickles who can't go get water because it's after midnight. I love that

@saor_illust school

after being informed by a friend and doing my own research on this matter, i have determined that is probably and most likely real
project pridefall

and i'm very on edge and ever so slightly stressed about it-

Deleted user

oh yeah
don't worry about it
just stay safe


Sex, gore, or both?

a bit of gore
sex and childbirth together
nazi germany
anne frank

I… my eyes are fucking bleeding and whoever wrote this belongs needs to be in a mental hospital

I'm telling you
That I want to see it

@Moxie group

Vent time!
Warning: this is kinda political

Look I don’t often feel hopeless. But what’s going on in the US right now… it’s really scary and I feel pretty fucking hopeless. Not to be like “not all cops“ because most cops are really shitty but like …. there are a lot of cops that risk their lives and their mental health everyday. And then people are there burning down their police precinct. Like idk man that feels too fucking far. I know the systematic racism in our country is rampant and out of control but like… idk. There were people on twitter saying that every single cop is bad because by becoming a cop you’re supporting a corrupt system. That just does not sit right with me. There are some (very few, but still some) cops that are out there fighting to help people and to make a difference. What are they supposed to do, just not become a cop? Then there really would be only bad cops. Idk. I just feel scared and hopeless and way too emotional.

@The-Magician group

Laissez, mon seigneur, laissez, laissez! Ma foi, je ne veux point que vous abaissiez votre grandeur en baisant la main d'une—Notre Seigneur!—indigne serviteur. Excusez-moi, je vous supplie, mon très puissant eigneur.

I just made the most ungodly noise.
Why would you do this? 😂


People in my state are just idiots robbings stores with watermelons over their heads.

Do you live on Florida?