forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

this won’t go away

I’m going to bed early again and the weird crazy serial killer is gone so I can walk super early in the morning

I’m excited

@Anemone eco

Oh, that's very nice, Emi. I'm happy for you. I was going to walk today, but it was too hot for my liking.

Also, geez. I leave for four hours and I miss a shit ton of stuff. Boy, coming back after two months is going to be wild.

@Pickles group

this won’t go away

I’m going to bed early again and the weird crazy serial killer is gone so I can walk super early in the morning

I’m excited

That's good

I, on the other hand, am going to cry. For unrelated reasons

Deleted user

Early morning!!!

Oh the serial killer

yeah some bitch from Kentucky killed two people, then moved up to good oooooollllllll Ohio killed someone else, then down 81 to Maryland, and he was apprehended not too far from where I live last night

@Pickles group

Oh, that's very nice, Emi. I'm happy for you. I was going to walk today, but it was too hot for my liking.

Also, geez. I leave for four hours and I miss a shit ton of stuff. Boy, coming back after two months is going to be wild.


Deleted user

walk walk every day it keep sadness away walk walk walk walk walk

@Pickles group

Early morning!!!

Oh the serial killer

yeah some bitch from Kentucky killed two people, then moved up to good oooooollllllll Ohio, then down 81 to Maryland, and he was apprehended not too far from where I live last night

Wait how did I not know that
Oh right. My parents don't let us watch the news, that's why.

@HighPockets group

Early morning!!!

Oh the serial killer

yeah some bitch from Kentucky killed two people, then moved up to good oooooollllllll Ohio killed someone else, then down 81 to Maryland, and he was apprehended not too far from where I live last night

Wow knowing that I'm now very glad nothing happened to you or Lizzie.

Deleted user

I wasn’t able to go outside for early morning tho >:[

@Anemone eco

Early morning!!!

Oh the serial killer

yeah some bitch from Kentucky killed two people, then moved up to good oooooollllllll Ohio killed someone else, then down 81 to Maryland, and he was apprehended not too far from where I live last night

Wow knowing that I'm now very glad nothing happened to you or Lizzie.

Same. And Maddie, because I do recall her saying she lives in Kentucky.

Deleted user

Oh, that's very nice, Emi. I'm happy for you. I was going to walk today, but it was too hot for my liking.

Also, geez. I leave for four hours and I miss a shit ton of stuff. Boy, coming back after two months is going to be wild.



@Anemone eco

Oh, that's very nice, Emi. I'm happy for you. I was going to walk today, but it was too hot for my liking.

Also, geez. I leave for four hours and I miss a shit ton of stuff. Boy, coming back after two months is going to be wild.


Do you need a further explanation? I'll be leaving for two months. Sooner or later. I don't know.

@Pickles group

Oh, that's very nice, Emi. I'm happy for you. I was going to walk today, but it was too hot for my liking.

Also, geez. I leave for four hours and I miss a shit ton of stuff. Boy, coming back after two months is going to be wild.


Do you need a further explanation? I'll be leaving for two months. Sooner or later. I don't know.

That would be why I asked.

@Anemone eco

Oh, that's very nice, Emi. I'm happy for you. I was going to walk today, but it was too hot for my liking.

Also, geez. I leave for four hours and I miss a shit ton of stuff. Boy, coming back after two months is going to be wild.


Do you need a further explanation? I'll be leaving for two months. Sooner or later. I don't know.

That would be why I asked.

Well, I don't know how to explain much without it going too personal. But there is something that I need to do that will require me to leave for two months (at least). I plan on coming back. However, I make no promises, for my memory may falter and I may never be seen again. At least, not here.

Deleted user

lmao nie, welcome to the 'everyone cries because you're leaving' club

we're just so perfect and lovable, what are they gonna do without us? ;)

Deleted user

fucking finally you dumb fuck. take your time off and cool down, you need this. and nobody tell him to stay because this is something he needs to do, i don't care if you'll miss him, just don't. whether you do this or not zach, im still very fucking proud of you. im prolly an annoying little shit to all of you, but imma say this again. i fucking love zach as a friend and i want him to do what's best for his health.
though if you don't return you better still contact me somehow.

@Pickles group

Oh, that's very nice, Emi. I'm happy for you. I was going to walk today, but it was too hot for my liking.

Also, geez. I leave for four hours and I miss a shit ton of stuff. Boy, coming back after two months is going to be wild.


Do you need a further explanation? I'll be leaving for two months. Sooner or later. I don't know.

That would be why I asked.

Well, I don't know how to explain much without it going too personal. But there is something that I need to do that will require me to leave for two months (at least). I plan on coming back. However, I make no promises, for my memory may falter and I may never be seen again. At least, not here.

Wow. 10/10 comfort and explanation.

@Anemone eco

fucking finally you dumb fuck. take your time off and cool down, you need this. and nobody tell him to stay because this is something he needs to do, i don't care if you'll miss him, just don't. whether you do this or not zach, im still very fucking proud of you. im prolly an annoying little shit to all of you, but imma say this again. i fucking love zach as a friend and i want him to do what's best for his health.
though if you don't return you better still contact me somehow.

Oh, trust me. I have no choice. Not in the slightest. But I love ya too, Atlas. Though I have no clue how I'd contact you if I were to never return here. Though that is not my plan.

Deleted user

Y'all talking shit about Kentucky's serial killers? >:00

yeah dude they’re fucking up my one good hobby

@Anemone eco

Wow. 10/10 comfort and explanation.

Sorry, I don't know what else there is I can say that you'd want to hear. Do you have something that you want to know? I may be able to tell something to you.