forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers

@Pickles group

Onlyfans is a place where celebrities, especially youtubers, can create their own porn videos and people can pay to see them.

She said she learned that today

@Pickles group

there's a hello kitty abortion clinic in existence

Just wait till I tell you about the Hello Kitty Love Hotel

Please don't~~

@saor_illust school

Onlyfans is a place where celebrities, especially youtubers, can create their own porn videos and people can pay to see them.

She said she learned that today

i learned that just now

@Pickles group

Anything else Ella?
don’t worry I won’t actually

wait no please don't be offended I just meant I don't want to know


there's a hello kitty abortion clinic in existence

Just wait till I tell you about the Hello Kitty Love Hotel

oh i heard about that a year ago i had just only recently managed to successfully erase it from my brain
look what you’ve done

@HighPockets group

there's a hello kitty abortion clinic in existence

Just wait till I tell you about the Hello Kitty Love Hotel

oh i heard about that a year ago i had just only recently managed to successfully erase it from my brain
look what you’ve done

Hello Kitty what?!


Anything else Ella?
don’t worry I won’t actually

wait no please don't be offended I just meant I don't want to know

I wasn’t offended, I was actually never going to say anything about it


there's a hello kitty abortion clinic in existence

Just wait till I tell you about the Hello Kitty Love Hotel

oh i heard about that a year ago i had just only recently managed to successfully erase it from my brain
look what you’ve done

Hello Kitty what?!

We’re not going into this
Just look it up on YouTube
And let some poor unfortunate soul 🎶in pain, in need🎵 tell you about it


upon still continuing to read through these fun facts despite all the torment i’ve gone through i have learned some things about octopuses that i did not need to know and i think i’m done internetting for today and the rest of the week goodbye humans i’ll see you all in therapy

@Pickles group

upon still continuing to read through these fun facts despite all the torment i’ve gone through i have learned some things about octopuses that i did not need to know and i think i’m done internetting for today and the rest of the week goodbye humans i’ll see you all in therapy

What was it?

@Pickles group

You know
Sometimes I have an idea for art
And then I remember that I can only do a decent sketch on occasion and I can't do line art for shit and I can't actually do the idea


upon still continuing to read through these fun facts despite all the torment i’ve gone through i have learned some things about octopuses that i did not need to know and i think i’m done internetting for today and the rest of the week goodbye humans i’ll see you all in therapy

What was it?

…do you want to know?