forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers

Deleted user

Wow. 10/10 comfort and explanation.

Sorry, I don't know what else there is I can say that you'd want to hear. Do you have something that you want to know? I may be able to tell something to you.

I feel like I might know what's going on–

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Early morning!!!

Oh the serial killer

yeah some bitch from Kentucky killed two people, then moved up to good oooooollllllll Ohio killed someone else, then down 81 to Maryland, and he was apprehended not too far from where I live last night

Bruh the guy in my place is still on the loose.

Deleted user

fucking finally you dumb fuck. take your time off and cool down, you need this. and nobody tell him to stay because this is something he needs to do, i don't care if you'll miss him, just don't. whether you do this or not zach, im still very fucking proud of you. im prolly an annoying little shit to all of you, but imma say this again. i fucking love zach as a friend and i want him to do what's best for his health.
though if you don't return you better still contact me somehow.

Oh, trust me. I have no choice. Not in the slightest. But I love ya too, Atlas. Though I have no clue how I'd contact you if I were to never return here. Though that is not my plan.

look, you may not have a choice but at least you're taking time off and for what's it's worth it should do you at least some good. though,,, if there's something else going on that's not so good then i'm sorry man, life really doesn't give us a break from shit, now does it?
yeah, i hope you do return tho, but as i mentioned earlier in our pms, i plan to take a break as well. i've been thinking about it for a long time now too.

@Anemone eco

Wow. 10/10 comfort and explanation.

Sorry, I don't know what else there is I can say that you'd want to hear. Do you have something that you want to know? I may be able to tell something to you.

I feel like I might know what's going on–

? PM me. I want to know if you're right or not.

Deleted user

Early morning!!!

Oh the serial killer

yeah some bitch from Kentucky killed two people, then moved up to good oooooollllllll Ohio killed someone else, then down 81 to Maryland, and he was apprehended not too far from where I live last night

Bruh the guy in my place is still on the loose.

You’re in Washington you stupid fuck

@Anemone eco

so far i haven’t heard of any serial killers currently in my state

looks like i’ll have to change that (;



I don't remember ever actually going to the derby
I just watch it on TV
I also frequently forget that other people don't have the derby
It's like, a huge thing here

Deleted user

I genuinely do not think anybody here wants to know