forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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would it be a good idea to recite everything to my best friend first or would that be a really terrible idea since she’s one of my very few beans who doesn’t know about any of this

@Pickles group

Even if it's something as little as "I brushed my hair today even though no one is going to see me"

…stop I haven't brushed my hair since the day after I dyed it

@The-Magician group

Even if it's something as little as "I brushed my hair today even though no one is going to see me"

…stop I haven't brushed my hair since the day after I dyed it

psssshhh I haven’t brushed my hair for 4 years

@saor_illust school

Being depressed does not mean you are incapable of having any happy moments
Believe me, I've been struggling with depression for four years and anxiety even longer
I've only self harmed a couple times, and never with actual blades (I'm too much of a coward)
But there's a way out
They all say there is
I've seen people recover
Now I'm just waiting for my turn, and yours will come too
You just gotta learn to appreciate little things because, especially considering we're all stuck inside atm, it'll be really hard to find good things
Did someone compliment you today? Let yourself feel good
Did you get to play a game you like? Enjoy the free time spent doing what you like
Did you do a fuck ton of cleaning today? Be proud of yourself for being productive
Even if it's something as little as "I brushed my hair today even though no one is going to see me"
Little things

thank you pickles
i genuinely needed that

@Pickles group

I'm in that mood where I just want everything to stop so I can feel numb and alone without having to worry about missing anything


Not pickles but you're welcome lmao

wait i could've sworn that username said pickles
eek sorry maddie
but yes big thanks

No problem lol

@The-Magician group

I just had a massive feckin panic attack on the phone to my boyfriend..
Spiders can rot in hell.. I’m going to have to sanitise my rug later 😭

@Kie group

Spiders can rot in hell

^^^ I agree with this on so many levels. Some are cute but when those fuckers have babies it's game over.

On another note, what's a good reason for me to answer the last three questions I need to do for a section of a binder and get started on another section?

@The-Magician group

oh no not you too-
dammit those fucking spiders

It started crawling up my wall so I sprayed it with cleansing spray. It then decided to start crawling up my altar and then came down onto my rug. I legit screamed when it started running. That’s not supposed to happen, they’re supposed to just sit there quietly and not move 😭😭 Now it’s squashed remains are in my rug

Deleted user

Reed's Sad Rambling incoming
Do you think the stars watch us? They see us looking at them and they decide to watch us now. They watch us so much, they watch us untill they are us.
Untill they consume us.


oh no not you too-
dammit those fucking spiders

It started crawling up my wall so I sprayed it with cleansing spray. It then decided to start crawling up my altar and then came down onto my rug. I legit screamed when it started running. That’s not supposed to happen, they’re supposed to just sit there quietly and not move 😭😭 Now it’s squashed remains are in my rug

A really ugly black and white one started crawling across the ceiling of my room earlier
it wasn’t super close to me but close enough that I couldn’t move
my little brother managed to squash it with a mop but it fell onto my art desk and so now my skin is crawling and i’m scared to sleep or even move

@Pickles group

Okay, so that I get everyone who desires to keep in touch with me, I'm starting to collect contact info now.
So if there's anyone who wants to keep contact after I leave, I need either your Pinterest, email, or maybe phone number if I'm comfortable enough with you.

Oh right
Hmu with what you want me to send you


i don't think i'm "depressed" enough to even warrant a therapist or anything
i know i don't have depression
i can be happy sometimes
'nd as a fren put it, i am "susceptible to situations
emotionally volatile but not fragile"

My first point YOU DON'T NEED A REASON TO GO TO A THERAPIST! Seriously people recommend going to one even if you're mentally healthy.It's just a good self care thing to do.
Second THERE IS NO "NOT DEPRESSED ENOUGH" If you have these feeling they are valid. It doesn't matter is someone else's emotions are more extreme they're not you. Think of sadness and depression or just pain and hurt and life in general like poison, some people can take a lot of poison before they die, other's a single stop and they're gone, other's yet are immune. Just because your Sadness and bad stuff on the inside aren't as bad as someone else does not mean they are not messing with your mind. You are Valid.
Third. There is a really good demonstration where a professor took a cup and filled it up about half way they then said something along the lines of "The water represent's Issues and sadness in our lives. I can pick this up, but the longer I hold it the harder it will be to hold up. It's not how much we're dealing with, it's how long we deal with it that can break people."


I know we don't talk a lot but I'm really gonna miss you
I'm gonna miss seeing you online and reading tired miriam posts and i just

@The-Magician group

oh no not you too-
dammit those fucking spiders

It started crawling up my wall so I sprayed it with cleansing spray. It then decided to start crawling up my altar and then came down onto my rug. I legit screamed when it started running. That’s not supposed to happen, they’re supposed to just sit there quietly and not move 😭😭 Now it’s squashed remains are in my rug

A really ugly black and white one started crawling across the ceiling of my room earlier
it wasn’t super close to me but close enough that I couldn’t move
my little brother managed to squash it with a mop but it fell onto my art desk and so now my skin is crawling and i’m scared to sleep or even move

Oh I know that feeling.. my body has only just stopped shaking.. but now I’m over here just like “where there’s one, there’s more”, and now I don’t feel safe in my room (which happens to be the only safest place in my house as well as the upstairs bathroom)


For all my friends struggling right now, please please listen to me for a second.
You are loved and you always will be. I love you and I know that there are others on this very site who do too. And if not me, in real life, there's always someone there. I know you may not think so, but I know that it's true because maybe there's family, maybe a friend. Maybe there's a teacher who really cares or maybe there's a dog who gets super excited to see you.
Also, what Relsey said- there's no such thing as depressed enough and YOU ARE VALID

Also,, I'd miss you. I know that it's hard and I know my situation isn't the same as any of yall's so I can't really say that I know what you're going through. I've done the Bad Thoughts and honestly? right now, yeah I am doing better 5 weeks clean, got a girlfriend OHMYGOD YALL I HAVE GF NOW but in my head I realize that it may not last and that I have to keep working.
sorry got a little sidetracked~
I love you all. You're amazing regardless of what your own brains say and whatever you think doesn't chamge what I think. And I believe in you. You deserve good things and I really hope you know it. If someone hasn't told you, you are incredible in ways I don't even know. You're talented and there is so much that is still waiting for you and I hope one day you learn to believ in yourselves as much as I do.

AFT <3333

Deleted user

i feel like shit right now

that is all because i dont want to get into it